Hi Juanjo, Oscar, Stefane, Sergio Following the invitation from below, herer is a summary of the different steps that was asked by the FIWARE Foundation for the SIDOC (Smart Industry Domain Committee). (1) FIWARE Summit Smart Industry Track Thanks for Sergio for pushing ahead, Sergio and Oscar for creating a first agenda, Ulrich for providing the first agenda template and inviting the first potential key not speaker. I have copied the agenda into the template. You can find it here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14o4wPhdtc5Qa0T4jeOafwt1ICHaKLJFygwEE-Sly-TQ/edit In general, I want to use the following directory for sharing material related to the FIWARE Summit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwNqIGPtryp_Qy03RklmUno4TWM Actions: - Stefan, please cross-check the current agenda and check list of potential invites. - All, please invite already potential candidate - Overall, I want opinions on - a good structure for the track - some ideas on how we can sustain the momentum, e.g. - discussion/networking at the summit after/during the track - participation in other activities, e.g. whitepaper, domain specific enablers, roadmaping Furthermore, we like to meet during the FIWARE Summit. May I ask about opinion when would be a good timing? (2) Charter FF has ask for writing a charter for the SIDOC. I have created this directory for it: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwNqIGPtryp_Q191Z0RFeEVxRHc I am waiting to get access to the example mentioned. If somebody can copy it into the above mentioned directory, I would be happy. (3) Brochure key marketing messages https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwNqIGPtryp_X0lQSHJta0JhMDA Please feel free to collect ideas and good examples here. (4) Whitepaper vision from a business technical perspective Including Domain Specific Enabler https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwNqIGPtryp_NHQzRnkxb3B3Qlk will be the palce to exchange information for this whitepaper. (5) Success Stories In general, we can collect success stories here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwNqIGPtryp_bm9LdDY2bnpENjQ Ideally, the success stories can be included into the white paper. So far my ideas, happy to listen to goof ideas and further opinions. Ernoe ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Ernö Kovacs エルノー・コヴァーチェ NEC Europe Ltd. NEC Laboratories Europe Senior Manager Cloud Service and Smart Things Kurfürsten-Anlage 36 | D-69115 Heidelberg E-Mail: ernoe.kovacs at neclab.eu<mailto:ernoe.kovacs at neclab.eu> Tel. +49 6221 4342 – 131 | Fax. +49 6221 4342 – 115 Mobile: +49 (163) 2086046 NEC Europe Limited | Registered Office: Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End Road, London, HA4 6QE, GB | Registered in England 2832014 ______________________________________________________________________________________ From: fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:fiware-smart-industry-dtc-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro Sent: Mittwoch, 29. März 2017 07:46 To: Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org Subject: [Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Kick-off of activities of FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee Dear Oscar, Stefane, Ernoe, Sergio, First of all, please confirm reception of this mail. As part of the plan towards pushing for the adoption of FIWARE in the different verticals we would like to focus on (Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Industry) we will launch activities of new so-called FIWARE Domain Committees, each per identified domain. In this respect, we have created a FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee and have included you as initial members in a mailing list that we have created as a tool for the discussions (the mailing list you are receiving this mail through). The FIWARE Foundation BoO and Angeles Tejado as representative of the FIWARE Press Office are also members of the mailing list. There are some concrete tasks that we would need to launch at this point and for which we would need your support/engagement: * Definition of content for the dedicated parallel track that will be focused on your vertical domain in the next FIWARE Summit event that will take place in Utrecht on May 29-31, 2017 (this parallel track most likely will take place on May 30, from 11:30am on). This will mean identifying keynote speakers, organizing panels with relevant domain stakeholders, etc. As representatives of a company in the FIWARE Foundation BoD, we suggest that Stefano or Ernoe take the lead on this but, of course, this should be a collaborative effort (and the FIWARE Foundation will for sure try to contribute as much as we can). You will be soon called as members of the FIWARE Summit Program Committee that we are about to launch. Please stay tuned. * Identification of relevant success stories of "Powered by FIWARE" solutions to bring to the FIWARE Marketplace and also to the Exhibition Area at the FIWARE Summit. * Design of a specific brochure focused on the delivering key marketing messages regarding the value proposition as well as success stories of FIWARE on the Smart Industry sector. The FIWARE Press Office, led by our new CMO, Garan Goodman, will work with you on this. * Whitepaper elaborating on the vision from a business but also technical perspective (as with regards the technical perspective, you can count on me and I will engaging members of the FIWARE Foundation technical staff as needed) In the longer run, we expect that each FIWARE Domain Committee will lead to coordination of the developments of Domain-Specific Enablers as well as Domain-specific Common Context Information Modls in coordination with the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee. Probably Smart Cities is the area on which we have progress more so far in this respect, but we hope other results will become also highly visible in other domains in the short time. The FIWARE Domain Committee will be also the perfect forum to run discussion on how to foster adoption of FIWARE in the particular sector, push for the adoption of policies helping in this adoption from Public Administrations, etc. Of course, these FIWARE Domain Committees will have to coordinate with the activities of the cross-vertical FIWARE Mission Support Committees that have recently been created: FIWARE Accelerator, FIWARE iHubs and FIWARE Mundus. We will create a mailing list for overall coordination and call for specific meetings to oversee such coordination, including activities that may be common to several Committees. We have created the following shared folder in Google Drive as workspace for your convenience: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4G2SvO4TLuLQVVqem41ck5FVDA?usp=sharing We would encourage the creation of a charter for this Committee so that it can be formally proposed to the FIWARE BoD for approval, which will bring certain benefits (but also the demand to deliver results, since exposure would be higher :-) As a reference, you may consider the Charter of the recently formed (interim) FIWARE iHubs Committee you can find here: https://docs.google.com/a/fiware.org/document/d/1q7DPLnqB2pRlerrj1UK9oWceXp-wN8-N9qWsAxFnG5Y/edit?usp=sharing You probably will be able to generate a new one by just copying it and adapting. However, I would suggest that first demonstrate ourselves we can run the activity because if we are not able to produce results for the first list of tasks, probably we are not yet there to create a Committee. Cheers, -- Juanjo Hierro Chief Technology Officer FIWARE Foundation [FIWARE Foundation] email: juanjose.hierro at fiware.org<mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org> www: http://fiware.org twitter: @JuanjoHierro @FIWARE -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-smart-industry-dtc/attachments/20170409/29665df4/attachment-0001.html> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 5618 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-smart-industry-dtc/attachments/20170409/29665df4/attachment-0001.png>
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