[Fiware-smart-industry-dtc] Smart-Industry-Domain-Committee f2f meeting in Utrecht

Rodriguez, Jorge jorge.rodriguez at atos.net
Wed May 17 18:37:43 CEST 2017

Dear all:

                My current flight lands in Schiphol Airport at 19:35 on Monday. I will try to change it to attend this f2f meeting...

Kind Regards,
Jorge Rodriguez Edroso
Deputy Head of Sector
Manufacturing & Retail
Atos Research & Innovation
jorge.rodriguez at atos.net<mailto:jorge.rodriguez at atos.net>
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From: Stefan Gessler [mailto:Stefan.Gessler at neclab.eu]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 5:36 PM
To: Sergio Gusmeroli (sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it); Ernoe Kovacs; Eva Blazquez (eva.blazquez at ogilvy.com); Angeles Tejado (angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com); raul.diaz at ogilvy.org; garan.goodman at fiware.org; Rodriguez, Jorge; olazaro at innovalia.org; ulrich.ahle at fiware.org; Stefano De Panfilis; Juan José Hierro (juanjose.hierro at fiware.org) (juanjose.hierro at fiware.org)
Cc: Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org
Subject: Smart-Industry-Domain-Committee f2f meeting in Utrecht

Dear colleagues from the FIWARE Smart Industry Domain Committee (SIDOC),

When the Domain Committee has been established, it immediately had the challenge to organize the Smart Industry track for the FIWARE Summit.

Now that the agenda for this Smart Industry track is stable, let us start looking beyond and think about what this committee is about, discuss the plans and roadmap  and the way how to collaborate and progress. For this we planned to have a meeting during the Summit, which can be also considered as kick-off for the committee.

The meeting is so far scheduled for
Monday, May 29th  14:45 - 16:15  in Room OSRAM

The key goal is to meet face2face, get known to each other and exchange views on the upcoming work of this committee. In the best case we will manage to discuss a roadmap for the first version of the charter, and maybe 2-3 slides to introduce the Committee at the welcome speech of the Smart Industry track.

The agenda could be around the following topics, if you have further issues or specific aspects, let us know.

1.  Introduction round, including your relation/business with the Industry domain
2.  latest update on the Smart City track
3.  what are the goals of the committee?
4.  how can they be reached, how can the Industry domain be approached
     (how FIWARE did with Smart Cities as blueprint?),
- e.g. via IDS, other?
- via events like Hannover fair, other?
- via personal relationship?
6.  what is the already achieved status (with IDS, with Siemens/Mindsphere, others?)?
7.  potential synergy with other institutions and activities? competition?
8.  operation of committee work/next steps (maybe a fixed monthly PhC?)

By intention I have listed all members of the mailinglist individually in the mail header for your information. Feel free to forward this mail to other potentially interested FIWARE members and/or suggest them to be added to our list.

Please also give feedback if or if not you participate at this meeting.

Thanks and best regards
Stefan and Ernoe

Stefan Gessler
Project Manager and Data Protection Officer
NEC Europe Ltd.
Kurfuersten Anlage 36
D-69115 Heidelberg

phone +49 6221 4342 114
fax +49 6221 4342 155
email: stefan.gessler at neclab.eu<mailto:stefan.gessler at neclab.eu>

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