[Fiware-smart-water-dc] FIWARE Smart Water Domain Commettee meeting today

Sonia SIAUVE s.siauve at oieau.fr
Thu Feb 10 17:42:42 CET 2022

Dear all,

Following today meeting, I've asked internally whether there might be 
opportunities for the "HEU Water Calls".
-> some calls were postponed only a few days up to end of February --> 
too short to join a consortium now as it is a one-stage
-> the calls postponed mid-march are all linked to water governance 
->I've been answered that it could have been interesting to include 
Fiware for smart water management, but it's now too late, at least for 
the proposal we're involved in.
To be kept in mind for next year/calls --> about sept 2022

Concerning the calls "DATA", especially the DATA 01-01, OiEau could be 
interested in participating and contributing our professional knowledge 
of the water sector.
If you think it relevant, please contact Eric Mino (e.mino at oieau.fr), me 
in cc.

Best regards,



Responsable Projets - Innovation
Project Manager - Innovation
www.oieau.org <https://www.oieau.org>
Tél. +33 5 87 75 31 19
Mob. +33 6 82 38 51 31
s.siauve at oieau.fr <mailto:s.siauve at oieau.fr>
15 rue E.Chamberland
87100 Limoges

Le 10/02/2022 à 12:52, Davide Storelli a écrit :
> Dear all,
> this is just a reminder about our monthly meting scheduled for today 
> from 15:00 to 16:30  CET.
> Here you can find the pre-minutes: 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YO4NsAsFr3zKBWgnn2Hma2F4LkHfhjrLK9UtaO_qf4A/edit#
> Here the link to the meeting for your convenience: 
> https://www.gotomeet.me/FIWAREFoundation/sw-dc-meeting
> Kind regards
> Davide
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