[Fiware-soulfi-coaching] Inputs from Devoxx

Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt) nvarandas at ipn.pt
Wed Nov 19 11:11:03 CET 2014

Dear Juanjo,

find enclose a comment related to last week DEVOXX conference where a
member of SOUL-FI was present.
Kindly ask for your feedback regarding the possibility of FIWARE present/
prepare such paper for this conference.
Thank you

2014-11-19 10:06 GMT+00:00 Maria Augusta Mancini <mancini.marag at gmail.com>:

> Dear Nuno,
> I would like to share with you some inputs from the Devoxx Conference (I
> have attended a parallel session on StartUps last Friday and now SOUL – FI
> presentation will be rendered available on their online platform for their
> community of around 400.000 Java Developers).
> Some participants were very interested in having more information on the
> GEs offered by FIWARE , they did not know about this platform and they
> believe this could be an interesting topic for the next Devoxx Conferences
> (in Paris on April 2015, in London on June 2015) since developers are
> always looking for new APIs.
> So maybe FIWARE (+ Soul-FI?) could apply to the next call for papers that
> probably will be opened in December/January to select speakers.
> BR
> --
> Maria Augusta Mancini
> Senior Project Manager
> *Technology Innovation International – TII asbl*
> 5 rue Heienhaff
> L-1736 Senningerberg
> Mob. Tel. *+39 3292763673 <%2B39%203292763673>*
> e-mail: projectlab at tii.org – *mancini.marag at gmail.com
> <mancini.marag at gmail.com>*
> *skype name; maria,augusta02*
> website: www.tii.org


Nuno Varandas

*Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
with *F*uture *I*nternet)

Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory

Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas

Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
<https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
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