[Fiware-soulfi-coaching] Fwd: Municipality of Florence open data and FI-WARE compatibility

Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt) nvarandas at ipn.pt
Thu Jan 8 10:30:49 CET 2015

ok. lets do it today at 17h CET

2015-01-08 9:26 GMT+00:00 Alessandro Monti <alessandro.monti at i2t3.unifi.it>:

> Dear Sergio,
> thanks for the kind feedback, today I can be available, starting from
> 17:00 CET, tomorrow unfortunately I won’t be available.
> Let’s wait for the Municipality of Florence feedback too.
> Cheers
> Alessandro
> *Dr.** Alessandro Monti*
> Fondazione per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione
> Polo Scientifico Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
> Via Madonna del Piano 6, c\o Incubatore Universitario - 50019 Sesto
> Fiorentino (Fi)
> Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione
> Via G. Capponi 16-18R
> 50121 Firenze
> I2T3, Innovazione Industriale Tramite Trasferimento Tecnologico
> Associazione Onlus
> Ente strumentale per il trasferimento tecnologico università-impresa
> dell’Università di Firenze
> Polo Scientifico Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
> Via Madonna del Piano 6, c\o Incubatore Universitario - 50019 Sesto
> Fiorentino (Fi)
> Tel: + 39 0554574631 - 0554574647 – 0554574622
> Fax: + 39 0552756097
> Mob: 3331344604
> Email: alessandro.monti at i2t3.unifi.it
> Web: http://www.i2t3.unifi.it
> Skype: alexander_2022
> Il giorno 08/gen/2015, alle ore 10:17, SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ <
> sergio.garciagomez at telefonica.com> ha scritto:
> Hi Nuno,
> Just back from holidays today. I’m available today after 16h and tomorrow
> at 11h or 13h (CET).
> Best Regards and happy 2015 everyone,
> Sergio.
> *De:* Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt) [mailto:nvarandas at ipn.pt <nvarandas at ipn.pt>]
> *Enviado el:* 07 January 2015 11:19
> *CC:* Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt); fiware-soulfi-coaching at lists.fi-ware.org;
> Alessandro Monti; Vannuccini Gianluca; Geri Emanuele
> *Asunto:* Re: [Fiware-soulfi-coaching] Fwd: Municipality of Florence open
> data and FI-WARE compatibility
> Good morning Sérgio,
> we were not able to talk within 2014, when could we have a skype about
> Florence OpenData?
> Still this week? thanks
> 2014-12-10 15:31 GMT+00:00 SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ <
> sergio.garciagomez at telefonica.com>:
> Dear Nuno,
> Thanks for the information. This week I’m out of the office. Starting next
> week we will analyse what’s the best approach for publishing the city data.
> I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we need more info or even a call
> to clarify things.
> Best Regards,
> Sergio.
> *De:* fiware-soulfi-coaching-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:
> fiware-soulfi-coaching-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] *En nombre de *Nuno
> Varandas (ipn.pt)
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014 12:02
> *Para:* fiware-soulfi-coaching at lists.fi-ware.org; Alessandro Monti;
> Vannuccini Gianluca; Geri Emanuele
> *Asunto:* [Fiware-soulfi-coaching] Fwd: Municipality of Florence open
> data and FI-WARE compatibility
> please see below email as complementation of yesterday's email.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Emanuele Geri - O365* <emanuele.geri at comune.fi.it>
> Date: 2014-12-10 9:33 GMT+00:00
> Subject: Re: Municipality of Florence open data and FI-WARE compatibility
> To: "Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt)" <nvarandas at ipn.pt>
> Cc: Alessandro Monti <alessandro.monti at i2t3.unifi.it>, Vannuccini
> Gianluca <gianluca.vannuccini at comune.fi.it>
> Dear Nuno, about our geographic dataset you can access to this service as
> http://datigis.comune.fi.it/geonetwork/srv/csw?Request=GetCapabilities&service=CSW&AcceptVersions=2.0.2
> Regards,
> Emanuele Geri
> Il 09/12/2014 11:56, Emanuele Geri - O365 ha scritto:
> Dear Nuno, we 're out of the office and we're investigating to provide a
> smarter way to access opendata Firenze.
> Please refer now to http://annuario.comune.fi.it for the ckan api.
> Annuario is a relevant part of opendata Firenze.
> Hear from you soon.
> Emanuele Geri
> Il 25/11/2014 19:26, Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt) ha scritto:
> If you require, do not hesitate!
> We have a direct link with Telefónica.
> Cheers,
> 2014-11-25 14:32 GMT+00:00 Alessandro Monti <
> alessandro.monti at i2t3.unifi.it>:
> Great news Gianluca, I believe this contact with Trento could really help
> you.
> Don’t forget to contact anyway Nuno for the Ckan link.
> Hear from you soon.
> Alessandro
> *Dr. Alessandro Monti*
> Fondazione per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione
> Polo Scientifico Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
> Via Madonna del Piano 6, c\o Incubatore Universitario - 50019 Sesto
> Fiorentino (Fi)
> Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione
> Via G. Capponi 16-18R
> 50121 Firenze
> I2T3, Innovazione Industriale Tramite Trasferimento Tecnologico
> Associazione Onlus
> Ente strumentale per il trasferimento tecnologico università-impresa
> dell’Università di Firenze
> Polo Scientifico Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
> Via Madonna del Piano 6, c\o Incubatore Universitario - 50019 Sesto
> Fiorentino (Fi)
> Tel: + 39 0554574631 - 0554574647 – 0554574622
> Fax: + 39 0552756097
> Mob: 3331344604
> Email: alessandro.monti at i2t3.unifi.it
> Web: http://www.i2t3.unifi.it
> Skype: alexander_2022
> Il giorno 25/nov/2014, alle ore 15:14, Vannuccini Gianluca <
> gianluca.vannuccini at comune.fi.it> ha scritto:
> Dear Alessandro,
> wonderful!
> I know Maurizio Napolitano from Trento very well
> so we'll try to ask also to him the fastest way to connect
> will let you know!
> best,
> Gianluca
> ------------------------------
> *Da:* Alessandro Monti <alessandro.monti at i2t3.unifi.it>
> *Inviato:* martedì 25 novembre 2014 14.22
> *A:* Vannuccini Gianluca; Geri Emanuele
> *Cc:* Nuno Varandas
> *Oggetto:* Municipality of Florence open data and FI-WARE compatibility
> Dear Gianluca and Emanuele,
> I had the occasion to spend some time during the past few days with Nuno
> Varandas (who’s reading us in cc), SOUL-FI project coordinator and we spoke
> among the others about Florence open data and your right necessity to make
> those data compliant with the FI-WARE platform.
> Nuno confirmed me that, if you send him the link to your open data and if
> the data are within CKAN, the colleagues from Telefonica will be able to
> create a link within Florence Municipality Ckan and FI-WARE, in order to
> enable the open data to be available within FI-WARE itself.
> Anyway, I think it could be useful for you to contact directly Nuno about
> the matter at hand in order to speed up the process that will allow
> Florence open data availability in FIWARE.
> By the way, we had confirmation today that Torino and Trento are already
> connecting to FIWARE Lab, so maybe if you have contacts with these cities
> Municipalities you could also ask them for some advice. Concerning the
> latter let me know if I can be of any help, since I’m in contact with
> Trento Rise, who I believe is responsabile at some degree for having FIWARE
> within Trentino Region.
> Please, do not hesitate to contact me for any kind of support.
> Cheers
> Alessandro
> *Dr. Alessandro Monti*
> Fondazione per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione
> Polo Scientifico Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
> Via Madonna del Piano 6, c\o Incubatore Universitario - 50019 Sesto
> Fiorentino (Fi)
> Fondazione Ricerca e Innovazione
> Via G. Capponi 16-18R
> 50121 Firenze
> I2T3, Innovazione Industriale Tramite Trasferimento Tecnologico
> Associazione Onlus
> Ente strumentale per il trasferimento tecnologico università-impresa
> dell’Università di Firenze
> Polo Scientifico Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
> Via Madonna del Piano 6, c\o Incubatore Universitario - 50019 Sesto
> Fiorentino (Fi)
> Tel: + 39 0554574631 - 0554574647 – 0554574622
> Fax: + 39 0552756097
> Mob: 3331344604
> Email: alessandro.monti at i2t3.unifi.it
> Web: http://www.i2t3.unifi.it
> Skype: alexander_2022
> --
> Nuno Varandas
> *Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
> with *F*uture *I*nternet)
> Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory
> Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas
> Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
> <https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
> --
> -----------------------------------
> Dott. Emanuele Geri
> Resp. P.O. Open Data e Supporto IT Lotta Evasione
> Servizio Sviluppo Infrastrutture Tecnologiche
> Direzione Sistemi Informativi
> Comune di Firenze
> Via R. Giuliani 250 - 50141 FIRENZE
> tel. 055 3283845 - fax 055 3283823
> cell. 329 5603042
> email: emanuele.geri at comune.fi.it
> skype: le-les
> -----------------------------------
> Questo messaggio e-mail  ad uso esclusivo di colui al quale  indirizzato, e potrebbe contenere informazioni riservate. Se avete ricevuto questa e-mail per errore,  Vi invitiamo cortesemente a darcene notizia e a distruggere il messaggio ricevuto. Vi ricordiamo che la diffusione, l'utilizzo e/o la conservazione dei dati ricevuti per errore costituiscono violazioni alle disposizioni del Decreto Legislativo n. 196/2003 denominato "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali".
> --
> -----------------------------------
> Dott. Emanuele Geri
> Resp. P.O. Open Data e Supporto IT Lotta Evasione
> Servizio Sviluppo Infrastrutture Tecnologiche
> Direzione Sistemi Informativi
> Comune di Firenze
> Via R. Giuliani 250 - 50141 FIRENZE
> tel. 055 3283845 - fax 055 3283823
> cell. 329 5603042
> email: emanuele.geri at comune.fi.it
> skype: le-les
> -----------------------------------
> Questo messaggio e-mail  ad uso esclusivo di colui al quale  indirizzato, e potrebbe contenere informazioni riservate. Se avete ricevuto questa e-mail per errore,  Vi invitiamo cortesemente a darcene notizia e a distruggere il messaggio ricevuto. Vi ricordiamo che la diffusione, l'utilizzo e/o la conservazione dei dati ricevuti per errore costituiscono violazioni alle disposizioni del Decreto Legislativo n. 196/2003 denominato "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali".
> --
> Nuno Varandas
> *Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
> with *F*uture *I*nternet)
> Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory
> Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas
> Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
> <https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
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> --
> Nuno Varandas
> *Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
> with *F*uture *I*nternet)
> Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory
> Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas
> Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
> <https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
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Nuno Varandas

*Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
with *F*uture *I*nternet)

Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory

Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas

Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
<https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
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