[Fiware-soulfi-coaching] Accelerator Teams @Coimbra

Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt) nvarandas at ipn.pt
Wed Jan 28 19:45:20 CET 2015

Hi Sérgio,

I will coordinate with my team in order to create a space for all
Portuguese companies within all accelerators programs as well as send email
to accelerators coordinators to get the Portuguese companies contacts!

*Practical information:*
Location: Coimbra* Portugal
Date and schedule: 20.Feb.2014 - all day
Probably car is the best way to come from Valladolid; should arrive 19.Feb
and leave 20.Feb evenning (or stay for the weekend in Portugal)! :)

thank you for your availability!

2015-01-28 8:54 GMT+00:00 SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ <
sergio.garciagomez at telefonica.com>:

>  Dear Nuno,
> I could arrange my agenda internally to be able to provide support for
> this event. Please, take into account the following considerations, though.
> ·         First of all, I would be the only one attending, so there would
> be just one FIWARE expert. That means that if there are detailed questions
> about specific GEs, I should have to forward some questions to the expert.
> It would be helpful to get the questions in advance.
> ·         It is a good opportunity to invite other Portuguese companies
> of other accelerators to attend, since it will not be feasible to organize
> events per accelerator in Portugal.
> ·         In the coming weeks there will be a couple of developers weeks
> to provide deep technical training to SMEs. Soul-Fi accelerated SMEs should
> be asked to participate in any of them. Stefano will provide more details
> soon.
> Please, send me the practical details to arrange the trip.
> Best Regards,
> Sergio.
> *De:* fiware-soulfi-coaching-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:
> fiware-soulfi-coaching-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] *En nombre de *Nuno
> Varandas (ipn.pt)
> *Enviado el:* 27 January 2015 17:46
> *Para:* fiware-soulfi-coaching at lists.fi-ware.org
> *CC:* jpimenta Pimenta; Susana Lourenco; jnnogueira at ipn.pt
> *Asunto:* [Fiware-soulfi-coaching] Accelerator Teams @Coimbra
> Hi Sérgio,
> Would like to ask for your support on FIWARE technology for some of the
> SOUL-FI teams.
> On the 20.Feb.2015 we are having a meeting with 13 companies (the
> Portuguese) that entered the SOUL-FI Project in Coimbra (we had a first
> meeting last week to talk about the deliverable and business approach).
> The teams are requesting to have a conversation with FIWARE specialist. We
> see this as a great opportunity for, within 1 day, talk with all 13
> companies. Additionally we could ask them to prepare specific document so
> that you (or one of your team) could be ready to answer doubts and support
> them.
> Suggestion: it could also be interesting... I could talk with remaining
> accelerators and ask them to send all their accepted Portuguese companies
> to our site to have this conversation with FIWARE experts!
> Please let me know about your comments and inputs!
> Thanks
> --
> Nuno Varandas
> *Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
> with *F*uture *I*nternet)
> Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory
> Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas
> Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
> <https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
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Nuno Varandas

*Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
with *F*uture *I*nternet)

Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory

Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas

Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
<https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
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