[Fiware-speakers-req] Launch of the People Movement Online business directory...Let's stay connected

PMMS 2018 ken.davies at gsemedia.co.uk
Fri May 25 12:40:14 CEST 2018

**Europe's only dedicated exhibition & conference bringing together professionals and academics involved in the world of people analytics.**

The People Movement & Management Show 2019 - 5th & 6th March, Olympia, London

Let’s stay connected

In accordance with **GDPR** we are reaching out to ensure that you would like to continue to receive the **People Movement & Management Show** & **People Movement Online** newsletter.

We will not share your information with anybody else, we will only use this information to send you PMMS/PMO updates and news.

In order to continue to receive this on a weekly basis, simply reply to the email **yes at peoplemovementonline.com** by clicking the button below. As this will provide us with the consent to continue to send you this email.

Many thanks.

Click here to continue receiving PMMS/PMO ( mailto:yes at peoplemovementonline.com )

Business Directory

Officially launching on the 1st June 2018... The People Movement Online Business Directory

People Movement Online ( https://sable.madmimi.com/c/29533?id=10268810.24841.1.9ee988068b8f19c4ec79a026caf88662 ) is launching the first ever **Business Directory** to cover all the key disciplines in the people movement and analytics sector.

**The People Movement Directory** is filling a gap by providing a reference source for all those who wish to access a list of those involved in developing and marketing these fast growing technologies, and provides an ideal opportunity to promote your expertise to a global audience of potential buyers.

**Areas of Business Activity will include:**

Crowd Flow & Pedestrian Modelling

People Counting, Tracking and Monitoring

Passenger & Customer Flow Analysis


Location Analytics

Retail and Footfall Analytics

Intelligent Queue Management Systems

Space & Capacity Utilisation & Analysis

Safety & Evacuation Analytics and Consultancy

Data & Spatial Analytics

Wifi Services

There is a small cost for inclusion for the year. It is **£295 + vat** for a standard listing and **£495 + vat** for the premium listing.

We have a large number of **GDPR verified** recipients that receive the People Movement Online newsletter and visit the website each week. So it is an excellent way of raising your profile within the sector.

For further details & the booking form contact -

ken.davies at gsemedia.co.uk ( mailto:ken.davies at gsemedia.co.uk )

**+44 (0) 1332 293745**

Click here for the directory info & booking form ( https://sable.madmimi.com/c/29533?id=10268810.24842.1.eaebae5d02e06301379c1da6b06fef93 )



**_'The People Movement and Management Show was a must do for us. It is the key event for us to understand the state of the industry, the trends, and the technology, and meet the key people. Great work to Ken, Nick and the team.'_**

**Simon Ancliffe**


**Movement Strategies**

Great feedback & activity on our twitter page

Here you will find industry news, vacancies, events, and interviews from those shaping this expanding sector. We welcome contributions from thought leaders and businesses alike at the cutting edge of these emerging technologies.

If you have any news, opinion or case studies you would like to feature on People Movement Online please drop us an email

**nick.britten at gsemedia.co.uk ( mailto:nick.britten at gsemedia.co.uk )**

Contact us

If you require further information, please contact:

**Ken Davies** , **Managing Director**

**Tel:** +44 (0)1332 293745

**Mobile:** +44 (0)7951291570

**Email:** ken.davies at gsemediaevents.com

Web Version



GSE Media Ltd | 1-5 Iron Gate, Derby, DE1 3FJ
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