[Fiware-summit-program-committee] Next follow-up confcall and some inputs for the different Action Points

Jacques Magen (InterInnov) jmagen at interinnov.eu
Thu Nov 10 14:13:25 CET 2016

Dear Juanjo and all,

On the side of FIWARE Mundus / FI-GLOBAL we have drafted a first 
programme for the activities we will take care of. This is what we are 

- 13 December: working meeting of the FIWARE Mundus Committee. The 
morning would be an internal meeting, and the afternoon would be a 
meeting open to external guests (see question below).
- 14 December: panel session from 15.45 to 16.30 dedicated to FIWARE 
international activities. We already have confirmation from two guests 
(USA and Morocco), pending for more (details during the telco).
- 15 December: we suggest that Chris Greer from NIST participates in the 
"panel FIWARE as a de facto standard" to speak of GCTC and the 
IoT-enabled smart city framework. He is the only person from NIST attending.
- 15 December: we would like to suggest a working meeting on how to set 
up a FIWARE Lab Node, as this is one of the key issues at international 
level. Otherwise we could organise B2B meetings with some international 

We also have a few questions to discuss at the telco, that have an 
impact on the Summit discussions:

- In our working meeting on 13 December, we intend to invite all FIWARE 
projects to join, as one way or another they are all related to 
international activities (or could be). However, as there are parallel 
working meetings, how are we going to manage that? Same if we are 
invited to other meetings.
- For our working meeting of 13 December, is is OK to invite external 
guests? And then afterwards, who will be allowed to participate in the 
work of the committees? Only the members of the Foundation? It is 
important for us to know whom we can invite.
- It is important to define the incentive to join the Foundation, and 
then to participate in a given committee. The current page explains the 
various levels of membership but does not provide any incentive as to 
why it may be relevant for an organisation or an individual to join. 
This is very important at international level, as people would have to 
travel from far away -they need a strong incentive. Is this planned?

Looking forward to talking to you later.

Best regards,



Jacques Magen

*jmagen at interinnov.eu*

Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 7 60 46 50 23

www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>

Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>

Skype: jacques.magen

Le 04/11/2016 à 07:42, Juan José Hierro a écrit :
> Dear all,
>   I hope that you take advantage of the fact that we didn't setup a 
> follow-up confcall this week to make progress on your assignments :-) 
>   I did my self.
>   I have setup a doodle poll to find the best slot next week to have a 
> next confcall:
>     http://doodle.com/poll/xgzrcvzzkntvkira
>   Please cast your vote as soon as possible so that we can fix it.  
> Selecting a time among the options means that you agree to start at 
> that time and run a confcall for two hours.
>   In following mails, I will send some inputs.
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
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