[Fiware-summit-program-committee] Doodle for setting up our next confcall

Angeles Tejado angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com
Wed Nov 23 20:10:58 CET 2016

Hello all.

Please do not forget to fill in the list with the main topics per panel before our next conf call.


CONTENT PANELS SUMMIT<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15mb7z_U9YICj1OYGKgrj70VOhlli7VZOQhCAYo2iJes/edit?usp=sharing>
Content Panels Summit PANEL TITLE, TOPICS FIWARE for Smart Cities- panel discussion FIWARE for Smart Agrifood- panel discussion FIWARE for Smart Industry- panel discussion Going global: the FIWARE Mundus Programme- panel discussion, Is global cooperation important? Why? How important is it...


Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com

De: Angeles Tejado
Enviado: martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016 12:13
Para: Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org
Cc: Juanjo
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] Doodle for setting up our next confcall

Hello all.

Sorry for not sharing the doc before. I know that Juanjo said that the deadline is today at 12.00 but I guess you'll be able to add those topics during the day.


Please add a description of your slot with main messages and please take into account that the content must be attractive for our target highlighting the future and objectives on each of the verticals. A kind of where we (FIWARE) should go.

Thank you all

Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com

De: fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org <fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org> en nombre de Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
Enviado: domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016 21:28
Para: Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org
Asunto: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] Doodle for setting up our next confcall

Hi all,

  We will celebrate our next follow-up confcall this Friday.   Please fill the following doodle poll for selecting the most suitable time:


  Marking a time means that you agree to start at that time and stay for 2 hours

  Please note that despite the confcall will take place this Friday, there are several actions on which we need to achieve results earlier.   In particular:

  *   We need to define a strict deadline for the 3-4 topics we are going to tackle in each of the panel.  FIWARE Press Office will circulate a spreadsheet to be filled with the 3-4 topics.  Deadline for providing the info will be Tuesday 12:00 CET.
  *   Next Wednesday we will publish an update of the agenda with confirmed speakers for all panels so we have to arrive with a pretty consolidated list by then.  The deadline for sending this first draft of speakers (again, please make it as much complete as possible) would be Tuesday EOB (Final list of speakers will be closed (and an update of the agenda published) on Friday so you have get confirmations by Thursday EOB).


-- Juanjo

FIWARE Foundation CTO


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