[Fiware-summit-program-committee] New tech talk proposal

Tomas Aliaga tomas.aliaga at martel-innovate.com
Wed Nov 30 16:25:02 CET 2016

Dear all,

I have received a particular email (see below) of a person interested giving a technical presentation at the summit (Balancing Agility and Stability in SWITCHengines). He is from SWITCH, one of the providers of the FIWARE nodes.

I know the deadline has passed but before replying NO I wanted to ask the organisers of the tech talks in case there is interest in accepting this (maybe there’re still empty slots).


 Jens-Christian Fischer writes:
> thanks for the call. We are intersted in giving a presentation at
> the summit.

Jens-Christian had asked me to write a proposal for such a
presentation.  Unfortunately this took me very long - please accept my
apologies.  In case there is still room on the agenda we will be happy
to give this presentation, otherwise... well, next time I guess!

> We will provide you with Title/Abstract in the next few days (we
> will probablaby talk about how our setup and infrastructure
> managment processes are - DevOps with Gitlab/Puppet etc)

 Balancing Agility and Stability in SWITCHengines

 Our team provides cloud infrastructure services to startups (FIWARE
 Lab/commercial node) as well as researchers (SWITCHengines).  Our
 users demand high availability and performance, but at the same time
 they (and we) are interested in novel features such as IPv6 support,
 new storage options, etc.  We will explain how we manage this
 tradeoff and provide a dynamic yet stable service.  We will also
 describe how we treat our infrastructure as code in a DevOps
 approach, and how tools such as GitLab, Puppet and Foreman support
 our collaborative development and quality assurance processes.
 Lastly, we show how we perform major upgrades and expansions with
 minimal impact to our users.

Best regards,
Simon Leinen, Cloud Architect
Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
direct +41 44 268 1536, mobile +41 78 638 7061
simon.leinen at switch.ch <mailto:simon.leinen at switch.ch>, http://www.switch.ch/ <http://www.switch.ch/>
Skype: sleinen

Tomas Aliaga
Senior Software Developer

Martel Innovate
Dorfstrasse 73 - 3073 Gümligen (Switzerland)
0041 78 675 54 29
0041 31 994 25 25
martel-innovate.com <http://martel-innovate.com/>
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