Dear Sergio, dear all: My progress about the Smart Supply Chain panel: · I have contacted UNINOVA to participate on behalf of C2NET. I have not received a final confirmation but I'm confident that they can join. · I have contacted Plus Fresc from FI-SPACE but I haven't received any response by now. · I have sent an invitation to the IDS (Thorsten & Lars) to present how the IDS+FIWARE can help Smart Supply Chain. No response by now. · I have sent an invitation to Gash Bullar from C2K. No response by now. In addition I have sent the information of the event to Alicia (ARI Director) to escalate the proposal to Hubert Tardieu to participate or find a keynote speaker for the Smart PSS track. @Sergio, wrt inviting anyone from FITMAN I would be grateful if you could do it because we are running out of time and I still do not have an official confirmation for this panel. Thanks. Kind Regards, Jorge Rodriguez Edroso Deputy Head of Sector Manufacturing & Retail Atos Research & Innovation jorge.rodriguez at<mailto:jorge.rodriguez at> Phone +34 94 666 20 39 Mobile +34 675 620 211 Camino Capuchinos de Basurto, 6 - 3ºB 48013 Bilbao - Spain Feel free to download our booklet at From: Sergio Gusmeroli [mailto:sergio.gusmeroli at] Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017 7:33 AM To: Angeles Tejado; FIWARE SUMMIT Cc: olazaro at (olazaro at; Sergio Gusmeroli; Rodriguez, Jorge Subject: Re: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] APs Next Conference Call FIWARE Summit Dear Angeles, dear all. The Smart Industry track last version is in the general agenda of May 30th, Pls update the "Summary of tracks" excel accordingly. Issues: * We need to accomodate the two Invited speeches of mr. Yasunori Mochizuki BoD, (NEC) in smart cities and smart industry. If you wish I can switch the Smart Factory session with the Smart Product Lifecycle session * Jorge, which is the situation of the Smart Supply Chain speakers? Somebody from C2NET? I can invite from CREMA (TANET C2K) and FITMAN if you wish * Keynote Speech to the Smart Supply Chain session is for the moment from Chris Decubber EFFRA. To me it is important to give an important role to EFFRA in the SUMMIT. EFFRA is the private part of the FOF PPP, so it represents industry I've compiled the doodle Best sergio ________________ Sergio Gusmeroli Research Coordinator Politecnico di Milano Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano Office: Via R. Lambruschini 4/b, Milano Mob +39 348 7806852 ________________________________ Da: fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at<mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at> <fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at<mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee-bounces at>> per conto di Angeles Tejado <angeles.tejado at<mailto:angeles.tejado at>> Inviato: giovedì 27 aprile 2017 23.06 A: FIWARE SUMMIT Oggetto: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] APs Next Conference Call FIWARE Summit Dear all. Just a quick note to ask you all to: 1.- Fill in the Doodle for our next call 2.- Update all your agendas in the Summary of tracks<> to be updated by Press Office in the general agenda<> - Add content promotion for the different tracks in the related tab on the Summary of tracks document. Add the confirmed speakers in the related tab on the general agenda document. Add any solution you want to showcase to the related tab "Demos in Exhibition area" in the general agenda document. 3.- Please review the APs in our last minutes<> and update any content in the copy <> that I will use for the next w/o 1st May preminutes call (it is editable and you can add/change anything). Any question, comment should be added to this copy. IMPORTANT to have as soon as possible: - To have confirmed speakers - To have promo content - A clean agenda. - VIP dinner venue + attendees. I've added a tab in the general agenda document with updates from Ulrich. Best regards. Angeles Tejado FIWARE Press Office OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid Office: +34-91-4512179 Cell: +34-608508873 E-mail: angeles.tejado at<mailto:angeles.tejado at> [] Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy this message. 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