[Fiware-summit-program-committee] Reminder: FIWARE Global Summit Open Calls

Charlotte Kotterman charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Tue Aug 28 12:16:15 CEST 2018

Dear all,

Just a brief reminder that the deadlines for our FIWARE Global Summit open
calls are coming up soon on the *14th of September*.
We'd appreciate it a lot if you could share the Call for Contributions
and the Call for Exhibitors
within your network to give them one final push.

Both open calls can of course also be found on the FIWARE Summit website

Our Early Bird offer
for a great discount on all ticket types is also still valid, so that might
be good to mention too.

Thanks in advance for your efforts!


Charlotte Kotterman
Community Manager
charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Skype: charlotte.kotterman
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