[Fiware-support] S.O.S. - tracker..

Roberto Andradas Izquierdo randradas at libresoft.es
Mon Nov 7 13:01:29 CET 2011

On 7 November 2011 12:44, Miguel Carrillo <mcp at tid.es> wrote:
> Roberto,
> Thanks for the info and the effort. Assuming that recovering all the
> data is a no-no, let us evaluate something alternative  and possibly not
> as painful.
> Can we recover the list of titles + the list of descriptions (i.e. body
> of each entry)? If we can have a plain text document with this it would
> be of great help to save hundreds of hours of typing...

ok, let me take a look to the backups we should be able to provide a
file with all the issues of the deleted tracker.

> Best
> Miguel
> El 07/11/2011 11:04, Roberto Andradas Izquierdo escribió:
>> Dear Alex,
>> good morning and bad news.
>> I have been taking a look at the database and the fusionforge code and
>> it is deleted completely. It is not a simple DELETE, there are several
>> queries, several tables and a complex logic involved in the deletion
>> of a tracker and the only way to restore just one tracker is create it
>> manually.
>> Creating it manually ensure that it will be created correctly,
>> otherwise by writing our own scripts or inserting queries into the
>> database manually could damage the database of the forge and break
>> another data into the forge and it is a risk we can not assume.
>> I'm so sorry Alex, if we can help you with another thing don't hesitate to
>> ask.
>> Kind regards!
>> On 4 November 2011 15:37, Alex Glikson<GLIKSON at il.ibm.com>  wrote:
>>> Any progress with this?
>>> It would be really frustrating if we need to re-enter everything in our
>>> backlog tracker from scratch.. :-(
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>> From:        Roberto Andradas Izquierdo<randradas at libresoft.es>
>>> To:        Alex Glikson/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
>>> Cc:        fiware-support at lists.fi-ware.eu, Juanjo Hierro<jhierro at tid.es>
>>> Date:        03/11/2011 10:57 AM
>>> Subject:        Re: [Fiware-support] S.O.S. - tracker..
>>> Sent by:        randradas at gmail.com
>>> ________________________________
>>> Dear Alex,
>>> backups are done based on the restore the system in case of hardware
>>> failures or something similar, are not designed to restore only parts
>>> of the forge. So it will take too much effort to restore your tracker,
>>> to do that we have to introduce the data again in the database
>>> manually and it could produce database inconsistencies and so on.
>>> In any case, I will try to figure out how to restore it, several
>>> tables are involved in trackers it depends on how the forge deletes
>>> the tracker, for example, if it is just a flag, then I can change it
>>> and you tracker will appear again, but if the data has been deleted
>>> completely from the database I'm afraid I won't be able to restore it.
>>> Stay tuned, I will tel you something tomorrow.
>>> Kind regards!
>>> On 2 November 2011 20:41, Alex Glikson<GLIKSON at il.ibm.com>  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Seems that I've mistakenly removed the Backlog Tracker under the Cloud
>>>> project in Forge (instead of removing an item in it).
>>>> I hope we have backups.. would appreciate your help!!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alex
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