[Fiware-support] [fforgesupport-FusionForge Support][1757] File upload on the forge

fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu
Thu May 31 17:31:09 CEST 2012

FusionForge Support item #1757, was changed at 2012-05-31 15:25 by Miguel Carrillo
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Davide Dalle Carbonare (davide)
>Assigned to: Roberto Andradas Izquierdo (randradas)
Summary: File upload on the forge 
>Severity: Normal
Workflow State: Open

Initial Comment:
Dear support team,
what's the max size that's possible to upload, via web page, into the File section of the forge?

how can I upload a larger file? ... ftp?

thank you and best regards,


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