[Fiware-support] [fforgesupport-FusionForge Support][4091] Delete forge user

fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu
Fri Apr 19 09:39:16 CEST 2013

FusionForge Support item #4091, was changed at 2013-04-18 18:23 by Miguel Carrillo
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>Status: Closed
Priority: 1
Submitted By: Miguel Carrillo (mcp)
Assigned to: Pedro García Rodríguez (breaking_pitt)
Summary: Delete forge user 
Severity: Trivial
>Workflow State: Closed

Initial Comment:
This one. https://forge.fi-ware.eu/users/fefacca/

No rush ... :)


Comment By: Pedro García Rodríguez (breaking_pitt)
Date: 2013-04-18 19:48

Do you want that I left the state in "resolved" in the next issues or Should I leave in a closed "state"... In case that you want to check them...

Best regards!


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