[Fiware-support] [fforgesupport-FusionForge Support][4015] I can’t access to the “fi-ware-private” in the forge.

fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu
Mon Mar 18 13:23:23 CET 2013

FusionForge Support item #4015, was opened at 2013-03-18 12:23 by Joaquín Iranzo
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Joaquín Iranzo (qiranzo)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: I can’t access to the “fi-ware-private” in the forge. 
Severity: Critical
Workflow State: Open

Initial Comment:
I am involved in the WP3, but I can’t access to the “fi-ware-private”. I have asked to my WP responsible and he has commented that he hasn’t been able to give me access rights and he has recommended creating a ticket in the forge in order to resolve the problem (https://forge.fi-ware.eu/projects/fi-ware-private/).
Could you give me grants to access the “fi-ware-private” in the forge? Thanks in advance.


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