[Fiware-support] [fforgesupport-FusionForge Support][5567] Media wiki plugins not available in MiWi forge wiki

fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu fforgesupport-fusionforgesupport at forge.fi-ware.eu
Fri Nov 8 15:18:31 CET 2013

FusionForge Support item #5567, was changed at 2013-11-08 15:17 by Miguel Carrillo
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Christof Marti (mach)
>Assigned to: Roberto Andradas Izquierdo (randradas)
Summary: Media wiki plugins not available in MiWi forge wiki 
Severity: Major
>Workflow State: Assigned

Initial Comment:
I today discovered, that the mediawiki plugins for "syntax highlighting", wikiEd, CitePlugin and Collection extension are not available in the WP13 (MIWI) Forge media wiki.

Is it possible to add them, as in private, public, data, test-bed, ...

BR Christof


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