[Fiware-sust-found] URGENT! FI-Core WG 3.2 Task 3.2.2

Susanna Varho susanna.avessta at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 23:50:50 CET 2015

Dear all,

We kindly invite you to the 1h telco on collecting input from FIWARE 
academic partners on both expectations to GEri owners and academic 
partners planned actions on FIWARE training and eLearning content 
creation. The first version of the deliverable is due at the end of 
February, hence we need to accelerate in order to record the status and 
requirements asap. Please forward this invitation in your organisation 
to the responsible person on FIWARE education.

The link to the doodle of the meeting: http://doodle.com/cn3rp8pkiwq54cmy

*Objective : Contribution to Academia relationships reports and Training 
courses report*.**

-*Academia relationships report (version a for end of February 2015 / 
version b for February 2016)*

This deliverable will describe in a first version what the processes are 
to deal with academia to define educational sessions and to put them in 
place with the support of the FI-Core technical teams. The second 
version will describe the first educational programmes and courses that 
some academia would agree to put in place.

-*Training courses report (version a for end of May 2015 / version b for 
February 2016)*

This document will describes content available on the eLearning platform 
and type of communicates of users they are dedicated to. It will also 
describe what are the content vailable for educational sessions and 
dealing with some innovative technologies descriptions.

*Agenda *

1.- What is the global scope ? What is the scope for the version a to be 
delivered next month ?

2.- Realistic expectations: What GEri(s) ? Architecture models and 
technical details ? Which universities, what timing, which media, ..)

3.- At the Academia: what is the FIWARE course status, what plans, who 
is collecting, providing content, etc.  ?

4.    - Engineering (Davide) will be in charge of interfacing the GRE 
owners (to provide Elearning content)

5.- What type of relation with Academia partners (FIWARE and External) 
to create and share content

7.- What type of labeling ?  EGM compliance ?

8.- Early draft of Relationships Report (TOC)

- Next steps

Kind regards,
Susanna Varho and Joel Riga, Orange

+33 644 24 78 49

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