[Fiware-sust-found] RE: Working group 3.2 updated mission

Donato Cohen, Malena malena.donato at atos.net
Tue Mar 24 14:03:29 CET 2015

Hi Joel,

It's fine on ATOS side those meetings on Thursdays at 15.00CET are OK.

Also please add my colleague Juan Bareño (in cc) to the mailing list because he will also participate in our calls.

Best regards,


From: fiware-sust-found-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-sust-found-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] On Behalf Of joel.riga at orange.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 11:23 AM
To: Fiware-sust-found at lists.fi-ware.org
Subject: [Fiware-sust-found] Working group 3.2 updated mission
Importance: High

Dear all,

Since the declaration by 4 industrial partners (TID, EIIS, ATOS and ORANGE) that the Fiware community will be built and launched in june 2015, the working group 3.2 had to adapt to this new sitation and adopt a pragmatic method to face the challenge. Thus, it is not still required to provide analytic documents as a base for the Fiware entity but it is required to rely on the already available documents and know how that the working group members could provide.

Thus, the proposition is to separate creation of the Fiware Open community which must be up and running by end of June 2015, and the Fiware legal entity. This last could be declared officially in December 2015 as it is required that detailed processes could enrich the previous basic but pragmatic community.

Accordingly, the attached document shows the new mission of our working group and had been reviewed by Juanjo. To make it concrete, weekly meetings are necessary from now, so I propose that we maintain the Thursday 3:00pm for the Fiware community while another meeting is already running separately for the academia relationship (we do not need to change that). Please let me know if ever Thursday 3:00pm do not fit to your agenda, for the moment, we could change the date only if Stefano, Juanjo, Juan or myself cannot attend (by the way I am not sure that Stefano could attend this week, and his presence is mandatory to start the discussion on the proposed Fiware Community draft document, I will check that)

The academia relation body will connect to the Fiware community during the phase of creation of the legal entity as it is mandatory that the relation is concretely built before working on the process to join the Fiware community.

Joel Riga


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