[Fiware-sustainability-proposal] FIWARE Sustainability proposal

Lanfranco Marasso lanfranco.marasso at eng.it
Mon Mar 28 10:51:47 CEST 2016

fine to me

Lanfranco Marasso, Ph.D.
Smart City Program Director

Research & Innovation Department – Public Sector Department

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
Via San Martino della Battaglia, 56 - 00185 Roma

lanfranco.marasso at eng.it

Tel. 		+39 (010) 64.86.74
Cell. 	+39 (348) 71.45.705
linkedin  	lanfranco.marasso
skype 	lanfranco.marasso
twitter 	lmarasso

> On 28 Mar 2016, at 10:51 AM, Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>   Let's start at 11:30 then.  I'll update the invitation.
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
> ______________________________________________________
> Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
> IoT Unit, Telefónica
> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
> twitter: @JuanjoHierro
> You can follow FIWARE at:
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> On 28/03/16 10:49, De Lama Sanchez, Nuria wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does it mean we are starting later than scheduled? It does not make sense that we have to repeat again the things when Stefano joins, I suppose, especially in this context where we are few people.
>> Thanks for clairifications.
>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> Nuria de Lama
>> Research & Innovation
>> ICT Program Manager
>> Vice-Secretary General Big Data Value Association
>> M +34 680645692
>> T +34 91214 9321
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>> Spain
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>>  <Mail Attachment.png>
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>> From: stefano de panfilis [mailto:stefano.depanfilis at eng.it <mailto:stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>] 
>> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 10:47 AM
>> Cc: De Lama Sanchez, Nuria; PRIVAT Gilles IMT/OLPS; Pezuela Robles, Clara M; Lanfranco Marasso (lanfranco.marasso at eng.it <mailto:lanfranco.marasso at eng.it>); fiware-sustainability-proposal at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-sustainability-proposal at lists.fiware.org>; pierreyves.danet at orange.com <mailto:pierreyves.danet at orange.com>
>> Subject: Re: FIWARE Sustainability proposal
>> dear all, 
>> i can join at 1120.
>> ciao 
>> stefano 
>> Il 27/Mar/2016 17:19, "JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA" <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>> ha scritto:
>> Dial-in phone numbers (all the same access code)
>> Countries
>> Numéro à composer par l'appelant
>> Number to dial from countries
>> Access code
>> South Africa
>> +27118446100 <tel:%2B27118446100>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Germany
>> +496986798095 <tel:%2B496986798095>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Austria
>> +4313602774660 <tel:%2B4313602774660>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Belgium
>> +3226200560 <tel:%2B3226200560>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Bulgaria
>> +35929358191 <tel:%2B35929358191>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Denmark
>> +4535158025 <tel:%2B4535158025>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Spain
>> +34917547066 <tel:%2B34917547066>	
>> 158990425# 
>> USA
>> +19293222428 <tel:%2B19293222428>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Finland
>> +358981710559 <tel:%2B358981710559>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Greec
>> +302112111561 <tel:%2B302112111561>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Hong Kong
>> +85230579042 <tel:%2B85230579042>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Hungary
>> +3612354712 <tel:%2B3612354712>	
>> 158990425# 
>> India
>> +912261759003 <tel:%2B912261759003>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Ireland
>> +35319080801 <tel:%2B35319080801>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Italy
>> +390809898000 <tel:%2B390809898000>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Malaysia
>> +60320531854 <tel:%2B60320531854>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Mexico
>> +525550913079 <tel:%2B525550913079>	
>> 158990425# 
>> New Zealand
>> +6493391606 <tel:%2B6493391606>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Netherlands
>> +31132019048 <tel:%2B31132019048>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Poland
>> +48225830014 <tel:%2B48225830014>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Portugal
>> +351220608002 <tel:%2B351220608002>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Czech Republic
>> +420225439761 <tel:%2B420225439761>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Rumania
>> +40212047047 <tel:%2B40212047047>	
>> 158990425# 
>> United Kingdom
>> +442076603102 <tel:%2B442076603102>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Singapore
>> +6565771269 <tel:%2B6565771269>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Slovakia
>> +421250102647 <tel:%2B421250102647>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Sweden
>> +46851993072 <tel:%2B46851993072>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Switzerland
>> +41315478004 <tel:%2B41315478004>	
>> 158990425# 
>> Turkey
>> +902123755700 <tel:%2B902123755700>	
>> 158990425# 
>> France
>> +33 1 58 99 04 25 <tel:%2B33%201%2058%2099%2004%2025>	
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