[Fiware-sustainability-proposal] fi-next gap finalisation

Murphy Seán (murp) murp at zhaw.ch
Tue Nov 8 08:54:21 CET 2016

Hi Stefano,

Were there any notes/minutes from the call last week for those 
of us that were unable to make it?


From: Murphy Seán (murp)
Sent: 02 November 2016 11:13
To: stefano de panfilis
Cc: Bohnert Thomas Michael (bohe)
Subject: RE: [Fiware-sustainability-proposal] fi-next gap finalisation

Hi Stefano,

Unfortunately neither Thomas nor myself can make the confcall today.

Are any inputs required from our side?

We will of course follow up via minutes.

From: fiware-sustainability-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org [fiware-sustainability-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org] on behalf of stefano de panfilis [stefano.depanfilis at eng.it]
Sent: 31 October 2016 22:39
To: Fiware-sustainability-proposal at lists.fiware.org; elke.rupp at zv.fraunhofer.de; Muryshkin, Peter; Carmen Mac Williams; Piero Corte; Paolo Fabriani
Cc: Ahle, Ulrich
Subject: Re: [Fiware-sustainability-proposal] fi-next gap finalisation

dear all,

as promised, please find attached the new budget built according to the esr the ec sent.
major changes are:
1. we cut of about the 80% the funding to fiware-lab operations. the idea is that starting from 2018 we are going to charge the services of fiware lab to ec funded projects who based their prtoposal on the use of fiware technologies and fiware lab. so we do expect to keep the same level of operations as at this point in time 200 new projects wrote in their doa such use.
in the wp4 only the task 4.3 is affected

2. we reduced a bit the effort in wp 3. please note that the ec strongly pushed during bilateral conversation to keep this to a much more less level. we succeded not to have that, still a limited cut was done here (a total of about 150k). only for create-net we took few months in fiware ops.

3. a new task 2.5 have been created to support the activity of the community manager. actually this was re-described as the implementation of the devrel programme.

4. a new task 5.1 (the existing conveniently renamed 5.2 and 5.3) in order to support the go-to-market strategy.

all the changes described are in red in the new sheet "doa effort and figures - v2.0".

of course many of you recognise that martel, shaw, infotec and itesm have not affected by the above described changes. this is due to the fact that their budget is not in charge to the ec and thus to the level of funding of the project.

the confcall this wednesday will on powwownow with pin 436393, of course unless any of you has a different confcall bridge to offer. at the ff we are setting up our services so for next calls we will have gotomeeting at our disposal.

in addition please find attached the ff bylaws as accepted by the charlottenburg court in berlin. so yes we are now registered :-)


2016-10-28 8:18 GMT+02:00 stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it<mailto:stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>>:
dear all,

apologises for this long silent phase, but the work to register the ff (fiware foundation) took most of our energies, the good news is that most likely today we had the formal registration at the charlottenburg court here in berlin.

consequently to that we have to finalise quickly the gap which includes a revised version of the doa.
changes as i wrote you are in agreement with the esr, but in some cases are quite intense. following all of that i suggest to have a confcall (if you disagree on the proposal of the new budget) on this coming wednesday at 14:30.

the new budget sharing will come in a moment.

there is still a point i'd like to share with you.
the ec, in the case of the validation of the fiware foundation by their services takes too long, is asking to engineering (only becouse i'm the acting coordinator) to take over the coordination role having the ff as its subcontractor. since anyway such validation will terminate along this year, the agreement is that we have a very quick and prompt amendment within 2016 putting everything as in its normal state, i.e. the ff as coordinator.

if this is the situation then the commencement date can be this 1st november as the contract signature migth be within november. if the ec accepts to delay till the ff is validated by their services, then most likely the commencemnt date is 1st december.

both case the ec would like to use the rule that the commencement date is the first day of the month where the contract signature occurs. they said to me yesterday, if you wish to start this 1st november, as you know, you start at your own risk.

btw, this morning i'm going to have another, final (?), call with the ec to take the final decision.

in addition, we at ff take this project extremely seriously as it to be the cornerstone of the ff boost and start-up phase and the founders of the ff as well being all of them platinum members of the ff (from the attached fee code you see that is comparable with the funding those partners will receive by the ec in fi-next).

to the attached email i received only one answer (martel consulting) which is a positive sign if i have to take it in the silence=agreement model, but it is that?

please find attached for your convenience the fee code for joining the ff which we see as a (strong)requisite to be in the fi-next project. this point have been shared with the ec.

stay tuned as in a couple of hours you'll get the new budget and the request for the missing bits of documents.


2016-09-23 13:14 GMT+02:00 stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it<mailto:stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>>:
dear all,

as you migth know on last 13 september we have signed the fiware foundation bylaws in front of the notary for submission to the german authority for registration.

till today we did not yet received the ok, but we are rather confident things will be finalised within this week or early next week at most.

in this context now the fiware foundation can properly take over the coordination of the fi-next project starting from its contractual finalisation.

due to my role of chief operation officers at the fiware foundation i'm now in charge of such a task with the help of the team at telefonica.

with this email i'd like to make you all aware about the evolution of the work we are already doing.

1. the ec is completely aware of all the steps we are making and are quite helpfull in the all contractual fianlisation matters

2. following the esr we all received we are reviewing the proposal text in order to have it best fitting as the project doa ("description of action", new name for "description of work" - dow).

3. friday last week we (ulrich, juanjo and myself) had a conversation with the ec. they highligthed that:
3.1 the doa must follow the recommendations in the esr
3.2 it is essential to provide more resources to the fiware os community building and evangelisation
3.3 the technical activities themselves should be effectively focussed on few aspects and in particular to strengthen the iot ready initiative we have already launched in fiware. this last point is not in the esr, but was strongly mentioned during the meeting.

we are now elaborating a new budget share with as much as possible minimal impact. of course we will distribute it to you all before it to be submitted to the ec. anyway it is clear that in order to strengthen the project, and the position of all beneficiaries in the project, it is highly recommended, if not mandatory, that each partner in this consortium shows a real committment to fiware and its long term sustainability. the only way to do so is that each partner in the consortium joins the fiware foundation.

to this extent to this email you'll find attached the fiware foundation bylaws in the version we signed and submitted to the german authorities.

the fees, still under finalisation by the fiware foundation board of directors, are as follows:
- platinum members 200.000 eur per year plus 2 fte
- gold members 0.025 of the annual turnover
- associate members flat rate to be fixed (this category however applies only for academia and research institutes)
- individual members free of charge (this category applies only physical persons, this is anyhow mandatory for the persons in the consortium, as well outside fi-next, which will actively contribute with assets, e.g. code, documentation, courses, tests, etc).

the plan is finalise everything by next week.

in a next email i'll come with the exact duties for each of all with respect to the contractual documentation such as declaration of honour and the like.

in the meanwhile, please let me know if you have serious objections in joining as member the fiware foundation.


Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Innovation Officer
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
via Riccardo Morandi 32
00148 Roma

tel (direct): +39-06-8759-4253<tel:%2B39-06-8759-4253>
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skype: depa01
twitter: @depa01

Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Innovation Officer
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
via Riccardo Morandi 32
00148 Roma

tel (direct): +39-06-8759-4253<tel:%2B39-06-8759-4253>
tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513<tel:%2B39-068307-4513>
fax: +39-068307-4200<tel:%2B39-068307-4200>
cell: +39-335-7542-567
skype: depa01
twitter: @depa01

Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Innovation Officer
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
via Riccardo Morandi 32
00148 Roma

tel (direct): +39-06-8759-4253
tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513
fax: +39-068307-4200
cell: +39-335-7542-567
skype: depa01
twitter: @depa01

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