[Fiware-sustainability] [Fiware-coaches] FW: Agile: Closing Sprint 5.3.1 - schedule for meetings

Chulani, Ilknur ilknur.chulani at atos.net
Tue Apr 26 10:10:30 CEST 2016

Yes, 15:00 CET  would be much better  indeed. Thanks Manuel!

From: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE [mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 11:09 AM
To: Chulani, Ilknur; fiware-coaches at lists.fiware.org; fiware-sustainability at lists.fiware.org
Subject: RE: [Fiware-coaches] FW: Agile: Closing Sprint 5.3.1 - schedule for meetings

This time Thursday is pretty busy, as you can see below.
However, it could start at 15:00, if it brought any benefit.
[cid:image001.png at 01D19FAC.3EA53220]

From: Chulani, Ilknur [mailto:ilknur.chulani at atos.net]
Sent: martes, 26 de abril de 2016 9:57
To: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com<mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com>>; fiware-coaches at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-coaches at lists.fiware.org>; fiware-sustainability at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-sustainability at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: RE: [Fiware-coaches] FW: Agile: Closing Sprint 5.3.1 - schedule for meetings

Dear Manuel,

Would it be possible to have the coaching calls a bit earlier in the day? I am available any earlier time on Thursdays.



From: fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 10:34 AM
To: fiware-coaches at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-coaches at lists.fiware.org>; fiware-sustainability at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-sustainability at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: [Fiware-coaches] FW: Agile: Closing Sprint 5.3.1 - schedule for meetings

From: fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
Sent: lunes, 25 de abril de 2016 9:31
To: fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fiware.org>; fiware-wg-leaders at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-wg-leaders at lists.fiware.org>
Cc: fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: Agile: Closing Sprint 5.3.1 - schedule for meetings

Dear Partners,

Please, find below timetable for sprint closing meetings:

If the proposed time weren’t suitable for your team, please, propose an alternative in free time.
[cid:image002.png at 01D19FAC.3EA53220]

Thanks for cooperation!!
Kind regards,

Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
IOT Innovation - FIWARE Initiative
Telefónica Digital
Parque Tecnológico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34. 983.36.75.13


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