[Fiware-tech-help] [Fiware-lab-help] StartUp planing to use FIWare

Philipp Slusallek philipp.slusallek at dfki.de
Wed Oct 15 07:20:05 CEST 2014

Hi Jens,

This is complex query and I can only comment on the WebUI components.

We offer two different 3D-UI GEs. WebTundra is a tool for shared virtual
environments mainly interesting if you are targeting real-time
multi-user games. XML3D is an environment for real-time interactive 3D
content that is tightly integrated with HTML-5 (via the DOM).

XML3D has been used in creating therapeutic Web-based games as part of
the EU VERVE project already. You find more information at
http://www.verveconsortium.eu/. I would be happy to discuss possible use
cases directly, if this is interesting to you.

We will also be presenting the WebUI enabler in the StartupWeekend in
Berlin (I saw a link to HU in your Web site) this week (starting today,
but the WebUI presentations are tomorrow morning). See
http://www.fi-ware.org/startup-weekend/ for more details. Stefan Lemme
from my group will be there tomorrow and is the perfect person to talk to.

I would also be available to discuss offline the technology and possible



Am 14.10.2014 um 01:56 schrieb Wiechers, Jens:
> Dear Federico,
> We plan to apply at http://www.europeanpioneers.eu/en/.
> Our plattform is, to begin with, a therapeutic video game developed for
> elderly citizens and using Microsoft Kinect for Windows as its primary
> input device. It intends to gamify commonly employed therapeutic exercises
> and combine them in a fun and engaging way. Our initial tests have been
> very successful and we’re currently looking into developing a first
> complete prototype. The main engine used for the prototype will be Unity
> with our primary language being C#. (see also:
> http://www.scheringstiftung.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2833%3Aretrobrain&catid=18%3Aaktuelles&Itemid=11&lang=en
> )
> For this prototype, we also want to develop a scientific backend,
> accessible over secure internet connections, which will
>    1.
>    serve to inform patients, caregivers and doctors about the performance
>    and inferred health status of players.
>    2.
>    Allow for the customization of the experience of players (i. e. type of
>    exercise, difficulty, etc.) on the basis of templates which can be shared.
>    3.
>    Allow for the generation of reports and the export of data for
>    scientific purposes.
> We’re very interested in how fiware might be able to make our development
> processes more open, efficient and secure. As such, the primary enablers we
> are investigating are those that provide
> contextualization/mash-up/dashboard like functionality, (meta-)data
> (pre-)processing and structuring as well as process modelling and media and
> process-template requisitioning; lastly, access control and security are,
> due to our health-related application, key components.
> Regrettably, a lot of the documentation has proven to be somewhat opaque
> regarding the interoperability and integrateability of these components and
> we are unsure what would be the wisest course of action. The diagram you
> received was a first rough draft based on my initial understanding of these
> GEs and how they might be useful in certain contexts.
> The enablers we were looking into are:
>    -
>    AccessControl/Identity Management GE - for access management
>    -
>    3DWebUI WebTundra GE / Kurento GE - in order to display game scenes and
>    content to care givers and scientists, potentially also using mashup/a
>    dashboard.
>    -
>    DB Anonymization GE and Secure Storage GE - for compliance and security
>    purposes
>    -
>    The process Repository GE SAP developed, to store process models and
>    game-process descriptions (e. g. scenarios) which can be selected by
>    players or defined by doctors/caregivers)
>    -
>    Potential (secure) Media Repository GEs to include player-specific
>    content or record player-specific content
> We have also been looking at both the Application Mashup GE - to create
> dashboards and the Onion ContextBroker GE, which seem to provide a simple
> and open framework for the processing and reprocessing of data. The Onion
> GE, while, strictly speaking, designed for a different purpose, also would
> seem to be ideal as a basis for the reprocessing and restructing of player
> details for stakeholder-specific subapplications (patient, caregiver,
> doctor).
> We would love to get your feedback on our ideas and concet: is there
> anything we are missing, or that you think we should look into as a good
> fit to our project?
> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Jens Wiechers
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Manouchehr Shamsrizi <
> manouchehr.shamsrizi at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Federico,
>> thank you for your support :-)
>> I'm bringing in our experts, who will send you what you've asked for.
>> We will apply to EuropeanPioneers, Berlin.
>> Best,
>> Manouchehr Shamsrizi ...
>> Am 08.10.2014 11:27 schrieb "Federico Michele Facca" <
>> federico.facca at create-net.org>:
>>> Dear Manou,
>>> what is the accelerator you plan to target? Also, beside the diagramm it
>>> would be nice to have a text description.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Federico
>>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Manouchehr Shamsrizi <
>>> manouchehr.shamsrizi at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
>>>> please find attached our model for using FIWare-Enablers at our StartUp.
>>>> It would be great to get your feedback, and / or to be able to join a
>>>> conference call with experts!
>>>> Best from Germany,
>>>> Manou ...
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>>> Dr. Federico M. Facca
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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern

  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
  Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
  Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

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