[Fiware-tech-help] [FI-WARE-JIRA] (HELP-565) CLONE - [Kurento GE] Deploying a dedicated GE instance based on an image

Manuel Escriche [Adm] (JIRA) jira-help-desk at fi-ware.org
Thu Oct 23 12:20:05 CEST 2014

Manuel Escriche [Adm] created HELP-565:

             Summary: CLONE - [Fiware-tech-help] [Kurento GE] Deploying a dedicated GE instance based on an image
                 Key: HELP-565
                 URL: http://jira.fi-ware.org/browse/HELP-565
             Project: Help-Desk
          Issue Type: eRequest
          Components: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
            Reporter: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
            Assignee: Luis Lopez
         Attachments: ffgedihg.jpg


I'm trying to deploy a instance of the Kurento using a provided image in
the library (kurento-image-R5.0.33).

Described in the documentation of Kurento (
http://catalogue.fi-ware.org/enablers/creating-instances-18) this image is
suppose to have the components already install and ready to run.

But after a closer look the Kurento Application Server (KAS), Kurento Media
Server (KMS) and Kurento Media Connector (KMC) aren't install and there
isn't any documentation or procedure for this case.


*--Hugo Fonseca*
htfonseca at onesource.pt
 [image: OneSource]

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