Jaime Loureiro sent a message using the contact form at http://catalogue.fiware.org/. Hi, I have a problem with the CKAN API when I try creating a new resource in my public domain dataset located on https://data.lab.fiware.org. My request in python is: import requests import json r=requests.post('https://data.lab.fiware.org/api/action/resource_create', data={"package_id":"medical-records"}, headers={"X-CKAN-API-Key": "515f8152-53ae-4e24-97fe-1f15875e9130"}, files=[('upload', file('/home/jaime/prueba.txt'))]) print r.text print r.status_code and I get the next error: {"help": "https://data.lab.fiware.org/api/3/action/help_show?name=resource_create", "success": false, "error": {"url": ["Missing value"], "__type": "Validation Error"}} 409 It run fine the last week but suddenly it stopped working and I get before erorr. My company is in a phase 4 of the FIWARE-FINODEX accelerator program and it is very important that my application run fine ASAP. Thanks for your attention. BR
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