Hello. I'm trying to install the KeyRock identity manager system, and I'm running into some troubles. I wanted to install it on a CentOS 6.5 server, but ran into trouble because CentOS 6.5 only uses Python 2.6, and KeyRock requires Python 2.7. Specifically, there's a dictionary comprehension on line 65-67 of file keystone/contrib/endpoint_filter/core.py, and those are a syntax error in Python 2.6. Your install_venv.py script will check the Python version, but it still allows for Python 2.6. I was able to fix that by building and installing Python 2.7 on the server, but I also had to modify the install_venv_common.py script to accept a custom Python executable (that is, even if you ran install_venv.py with /usr/bin/python2.7, it still built the virtual environment with /usr/bin/python, which is Python 2.6 in CentOS). For reference, I used this install guide, but I adapted it for CentOS: https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Identity_Management_-_KeyRock_-_Installation_and_Administration_Guide Anyway, having done that, I managed to get both keystone and horizon installed, but when I tried to run them as dev servers, I got this error: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/1fa0e4ebf8e6c7e28aba/raw/b2765ba05ce00a435269158c0d3fdda08417d2c0/gistfile1.txt I also tried installing and running keystone/horizon on an ubuntu server, installing it using the fabric scripts you've provided. It was much more painless doing it that way, but I still got the same error when I tried to start it. I found this stack overflow question but the solution listed there didn't work: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31318859/fiware-idm-installation-error I take it that this error is caused by running the server using regular HTTP and not using SSL/TLS? Is that the problem? Can I not even run it in a dev environment without using SSL? I would appreciate your advise in this matter. Thanks Oskar Sigvardsson GroPlay
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