[Fiware-tech-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-6417) Is it still worth continuing to support CSP technology?

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Tue Apr 19 10:03:00 CEST 2016

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> [Fiware-tech-help] Is it still worth continuing to support CSP technology?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HELP-6417
>                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-6417
>             Project: Help-Desk
>          Issue Type: extRequest
>          Components: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
>            Reporter: FW External User
> Is it still worth continuing to support CSP technology? For inquiries please reply to [1]csp at szwgroup.com (NOT [2]csp at info.szwgroup.com> Through years of development, on shore wind and PV have reached already competitive cost levels, which seem to bring more challenges and pressure to their “counterpart”--CSP, and the question is raised again: is it still worth continuing to support CSP/STE technology?
> The answer is definitely yes. Recent data shows all the installed 50 CSP plants (2300MW) in Spain are performing very well, and improvements in operation and O&M cost reductions are still being applied. At the meantime, CSP global emerging markets like Morocco, Chile, South Africa and China are on the way to “maturity”. IEA CSP Roadmap predicts that CSP is playing a more significant role in all the major CSP markets, saying CSP will take 40% (top) of the energy mix in Middle East.
> Three reasons for a brilliant future for global CSP development:
> 1. Technical-- CSP is the only dispatch-able and grid-friendly renewable technology with potential enough to firmly meet the electricity needs worldwide in order to achieve an almost carbon free generation system.
> 2. Local Economic Development-- Local content of CSP plants - and conversely its GDP contribution – should be one of the main drivers behind the coming supporting policies in most countries of the Sunbelt.
> 3. Affordable cost-- CSP plants are currently a cost competitive choice to supply the increasing power demand of emerging countries compared with “investing twice” as it would be the case regarding other fluent R.E. technologies + CC backup.  
> “Cost of electricity from CSP plants is highly dependent on the location and size along with PPA terms and financing conditions. A combination of innovation, component prices and soft costs (permitting, financing, engineering …) reduction will be key for competitiveness. ” Dr. Luis Crespo shares the same idea with CSP Focus, who will organize CSP Focus Innovation 2016 (June29-30, Madrid) with the theme of “Consolidate CSP competitiveness by innovation on technology, financing and O&M.”
> The passage is source from the presentation of “Vision of the Solar Thermal Electricity Industry” launched by Dr. Luis Crespo, President of ESTELA & General Secretary of Protermosolar earlier this year. If you would like to free download the PDF version, please send your contacts (Name/Title/Company/Mobile/Email) to [3]csp at szwgroup.com.
> Supported by ESTELA, Protermo and China National Solar Thermal Energy Alliance, [4]CSP Focus Innovation 2016 (June29-30, Madrid) will bring the industry an amazing platform to witness the most advanced technologies and assist the players on the way to be excellent and leading in CSP industry. Please kindly note both speaking and exhibition opportunities are limited. And early-bird price (SAVE USD400) will expire Apr. 21. If you would like to join please submit the following information to [5]csp at szwgroup.com.
> Name:
> Title:
> Company:
> Email:
> Mobile No.:
> Registration/Download Program:
> Join as Delegate/Speaker/Exhibitor/Sponsor/Partner:
> CSP Focus Innovation 2016 agenda>>>
> Date	Morning	Afternoon
> Day1
> June.29th	Plenary Session
> · Global CSP development roadmap
> · International projects updates
> · CSP role in global power system
> Financing Session
> · New financing mechanism
> Panel Discussion:  Barriers of project financing and solutions	Technology Innovation Session
> · Innovations on solar field design
> · O&M optimization
> · The most promising HTF&TES materials and system configuration
> · New technology applications in successful projects worldwide
> Day2
> June.30th	Emerging Markets Session 
> · China market
> · Successful experience from South Africa, Morocco and MENA	Spain - China CSP Roundtable (By invitation only) 
> Ella WEI
> Tel: +86 21 5830 0710*8054
> Email: [6]csp at szwgroup.com 
> Web: www.szwgroup.com/csp-focus-innovation-2016
> Linkedin Account: CSP Focus
> Wechat public platform: csp-focus 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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