[Fiware-tech-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-7693) China officially targets 5GW of CSP allocation by 2020

Manuel Escriche (JIRA) jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
Thu Nov 10 08:26:00 CET 2016

     [ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-7693?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Manuel Escriche updated HELP-7693:
    Component/s:     (was: FIWARE-TECH-HELP)

> [Fiware-tech-help] China officially targets 5GW of CSP allocation by 2020
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> China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and National Energy Administration (NEA) jointly released the 13th Five-year Plan of Power Development this Monday on Nov.7, targeting the allocation of power energies including hydro, nuclear, coal, gas, wind and solar, which is regarded as the top instruction for future five years’ power development.
> The total demand of electricity by 2020 is predicted to be 6.8-7.2 trillion kWh with average annual increase rate of 3.6-4.8%, and the total capacity of power will be 2 billion kW with average annual increase rate of 5.5%. Specifically, 770 million kW are from unconventional energies, the detailed data are listed in the table below.
> Energy 	Capacity (million kW)	Percentage
> Nuclear 	58	3%
> Gas	110	5%
> Solar/CSP	110/5	5% (solar)
> Wind 	210	10%
> Hydro 	340	17%
> Coal 	1100	55%
> Biomass	15	1%
> Others	70 	4% 
> China plans to install 110GW solar power plants, of which 5GW goes to concentrated solar power plants. As reported by CSP Focus earlier, 5GW is relatively a reasonable target for China CSP allocation. To realize such an ambition, China government has been leading the practice of CSP program. The first phase of 1.349GW of 20 CSP pilot projects have been launched with the FiT of RMB1.15/kWh, which catches the eye of global CSP peers. And the success of its implementation must be quite crucial to the total plan.
> [4]Click to free download List of China First 20 CSP Pilot Projects
> CSP Focus keeps close eye on the development of global CSP market evolution, especially China. To help global CSP peers to get known of the project progress face-to-face, CSP Focus China 2017 Mar.23-24 Beijing is to be held as the most powerful and 7th annual conference for all who are or will be China CSP industry players.
> Speakers, partners and sponsors are now under collection, if you had any creative topics to share, services to brand, or products to showcase please don’t hesitate to let me know!
> [5]Click here to inquire or download Post Report/Program of CSP Focus China 2017. 
> CSP Focus
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