Dear Fiware-Tech-Crew, In our current setup, there is a problem with context updates from iotagent to the context broker (CB): CB reports (see iota-problem.log): "No context element found", "details": "TrafficSensor:TrafficSensor01" Checking Orion's mongodb (see Mongodb-entites.txt) the context ID seems to exist. You also find the iota configuration file config.js attached as(Config.conf) to this email. Why does the iotagent receive a 404-Error about the non-existing element? Thought the element does exist Let me know in case you need additional log extracts or information about our current configuration. Thanks for any suggestions and help. Kind regards maurus frey inNET, Switzerland -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: iota-problem.log Type: text/x-log Size: 906029 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- var config = {}; config.mqtt = { logLevel: 'DEBUG', host: 'mosquitto', port: 1883, defaultKey: '1234', thinkingThingsPlugin: true }; config.iota = { logLevel: 'DEBUG', timestamp: true, contextBroker: { host: 'orion', port: '1026' }, server: { port: 4041 }, deviceRegistry: { type: 'mongodb' }, mongodb: { host: 'mongodb', port: '27017', db: 'iotagentjson' }, types: {}, service: 'howtoService', subservice: '/howto', providerUrl: 'http://localhost:4041', deviceRegistrationDuration: 'P1M', defaultType: 'Thing' }; config.configRetrieval = false; -------------- next part -------------- > show dbs iotagentjson 0.000GB local 0.000GB orion 0.000GB orion-winterthur_traffic 0.000GB > use orion-winterthur_traffic switched to db orion-winterthur_traffic > show collections entities > db.entities.find() { "_id" : { "id" : "TrafficSensor01", "type" : "multiSensor", "servicePath" : "/environment" }, "attrNames" : [ "laneId", "vehicleType", "vehicleLength", "vehicleSpeed", "TimeInstant" ], "attrs" : { "laneId" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513261036, "modDate" : 1513261036, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleType" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513261036, "modDate" : 1513261036, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleLength" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513261036, "modDate" : 1513261036, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleSpeed" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513261036, "modDate" : 1513261036, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "creDate" : 1513261036, "modDate" : 1513261036, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] } }, "creDate" : 1513261036, "modDate" : 1513261036, "lastCorrelator" : "e02625bb-d086-4bf6-a7dc-044464c3a0a2" } { "_id" : { "id" : "TrafficSensor01", "type" : "multiSensor", "servicePath" : "/winterthur_traffic" }, "attrNames" : [ "laneId", "vehicleType", "vehicleLength", "vehicleSpeed", "TimeInstant" ], "attrs" : { "laneId" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697889, "modDate" : 1513697889, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleType" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697889, "modDate" : 1513697889, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleLength" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697889, "modDate" : 1513697889, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleSpeed" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697889, "modDate" : 1513697889, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "creDate" : 1513697889, "modDate" : 1513697889, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] } }, "creDate" : 1513697889, "modDate" : 1513697889, "lastCorrelator" : "22f3bb8d-6d49-48d6-8029-13d77f33a673" } { "_id" : { "id" : "TrafficSensor01", "type" : "multiSensor", "servicePath" : "/winterthur_traffic/Zuerichstrasse" }, "attrNames" : [ "laneId", "vehicleType", "vehicleLength", "vehicleSpeed", "TimeInstant" ], "attrs" : { "laneId" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697973, "modDate" : 1513697973, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleType" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697973, "modDate" : 1513697973, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleLength" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697973, "modDate" : 1513697973, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleSpeed" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513697973, "modDate" : 1513697973, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "creDate" : 1513697973, "modDate" : 1513697973, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] } }, "creDate" : 1513697973, "modDate" : 1513697973, "lastCorrelator" : "f9db1afc-a55a-4c8e-a37f-ef77bba403de" } { "_id" : { "id" : "TrafficSensor01", "type" : "multiSensor", "servicePath" : "/Zuerichstrasse" }, "attrNames" : [ "laneId", "vehicleType", "vehicleLength", "vehicleSpeed", "TimeInstant", "raw_data", "Dwell", "speed_measurment_type" ], "attrs" : { "laneId" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513698920, "modDate" : 1513698920, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleType" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513698920, "modDate" : 1513698920, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleLength" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513698920, "modDate" : 1513698920, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "vehicleSpeed" : { "type" : "Number", "creDate" : 1513698920, "modDate" : 1513698920, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "creDate" : 1513698920, "modDate" : 1513698920, "value" : " ", "mdNames" : [ ] }, "raw_data" : { "value" : " ", "type" : "String", "mdNames" : [ ], "creDate" : 1513699887, "modDate" : 1513699887 }, "Dwell" : { "value" : " ", "type" : "Number", "mdNames" : [ ], "creDate" : 1513699887, "modDate" : 1513699887 }, "speed_measurment_type" : { "value" : " ", "type" : "String", "mdNames" : [ ], "creDate" : 1513699887, "modDate" : 1513699887 } }, "creDate" : 1513698920, "modDate" : 1513699887, "lastCorrelator" : "dcb21483-3c4c-4293-a67d-f7ff4625b2df" } { "_id" : { "id" : "TrafficSensor01", "type" : "TrafficSensor", "servicePath" : "/Zuerichstrasse" }, "attrNames" : [ "laneId", "vehicleType", "vehicleLength", "vehicleSpeed", "raw_data", "Dwell", "speed_measurment_type", "TimeInstant" ], "attrs" : { "laneId" : { "value" : "0", "type" : "Number", "md" : { "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z" } }, "mdNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 }, "vehicleType" : { "value" : "0", "type" : "Number", "md" : { "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z" } }, "mdNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 }, "vehicleLength" : { "value" : "20", "type" : "Number", "md" : { "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z" } }, "mdNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 }, "vehicleSpeed" : { "value" : "35", "type" : "Number", "md" : { "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z" } }, "mdNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 }, "raw_data" : { "value" : "ffaa5e11000100001423002a0238221504211217000121", "type" : "String", "md" : { "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z" } }, "mdNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 }, "Dwell" : { "value" : "42", "type" : "Number", "md" : { "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z" } }, "mdNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 }, "speed_measurment_type" : { "value" : "km/h", "type" : "String", "md" : { "TimeInstant" : { "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z" } }, "mdNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 }, "TimeInstant" : { "value" : "2017-12-21T14:22:44.366Z", "type" : "ISO8601", "mdNames" : [ ], "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164 } }, "creDate" : 1513701704, "modDate" : 1513866164, "lastCorrelator" : "69271eae-e65a-11e7-9f4f-0242ac110004" } { "_id" : { "id" : "TrafficSensor:TrafficSensor01", "type" : "TrafficSensor", "servicePath" : "/Zuerichstrasse" }, "attrNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "attrs" : { "TimeInstant" : { "value" : "2018-02-15T13:28:57.388Z", "type" : "ISO8601", "mdNames" : [ ], "creDate" : 1513865443, "modDate" : 1518701337 } }, "creDate" : 1513865443, "modDate" : 1518701337, "lastCorrelator" : "2cdc64d8-1254-11e8-b346-0242ac120004" } { "_id" : { "id" : "TrafficSensor:1", "type" : "TrafficSensor", "servicePath" : "/Zuerichstrasse" }, "attrNames" : [ "TimeInstant" ], "attrs" : { "TimeInstant" : { "value" : "2017-12-21T15:22:36.203Z", "type" : "ISO8601", "mdNames" : [ ], "creDate" : 1513866307, "modDate" : 1513869756 } }, "creDate" : 1513866307, "modDate" : 1513869756, "lastCorrelator" : "c60e08a0-e662-11e7-b609-0242ac110004" } >
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