[Fiware-tech-help] WireCloud Support

Prashant Chauhan1 PC00474884 at TechMahindra.com
Thu May 10 10:23:08 CEST 2018

Hi Francisco,

I’ll really appreciate your help, if you help me out with this issue.
Please respond at your earliest convenience.

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Prashant Chauhan

Software Engineer


Mobile : +919582019151

PC00474884 at techmahindra.com<mailto:PC00474884 at techmahindra.com>

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From: Prashant Chauhan1
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2018 2:00 PM
To: 'Francisco de la Vega' <fdelavega at conwet.com>
Cc: fiware-tech-help at lists.fiware.org
Subject: RE: [Fiware-tech-help] WireCloud Support


I tried to use ngsi-source widget but couldn’t figure out how to configure that widget.
As I told you I’m new to this platform. It would me much easier for both of us, if we troubleshoot this issue over WebEx call.
Please let me know whenever you are free, I’ll schedule a call accordingly. I’ll really appreciate your help.

Prashant Chauhan|Software Engineer
[cid:image001.png at 01D3264E.9EB73DF0]| NSEZ, NOIDA

From: Francisco de la Vega [mailto:fdelavega at conwet.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2018 1:56 PM
To: Prashant Chauhan1 <PC00474884 at TechMahindra.com<mailto:PC00474884 at TechMahindra.com>>
Cc: fiware-tech-help at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-tech-help at lists.fiware.org>; Krishan Babbar <KB00449283 at TechMahindra.com<mailto:KB00449283 at TechMahindra.com>>
Subject: Re: [Fiware-tech-help] WireCloud Support


For retrieving data from a Context Broker within WireCloud there is an already implemented operator you can use:


In general you can find widgets and operators here:


and here:


Best regards,

2018-05-08 12:02 GMT+02:00 Prashant Chauhan1 <PC00474884 at techmahindra.com<mailto:PC00474884 at techmahindra.com>>:

As I new to this Fiware and WireCloud I’m having trouble in getting data from Orion Context Broker to the WireCloud. I have installed the WireCloud on the running instance on FiwareLab and Orion Context Broker is already there.
Please help me with this issue at your earliest convenience.

Prashant Chauhan|Software Engineer
[cid:image001.png at 01D3264E.9EB73DF0]| NSEZ, NOIDA

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