[Fiware-tech-help] Fetch Data From Orion Context Broker

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Tue May 15 11:17:51 CEST 2018

Dear Prashant,

   Today is holiday in the city where headquarters of FICodes, which 
probably is the best organization bringing you support about Wirecloud, 
is located.  Therefore, please don't expect a very fast response before 
tomorrow ...



On 15/05/2018 11:04, pc00474884 at techmahindra.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Any Input?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Prashant Chauhan
> Monday, 14 May 2018, 03:48PM +05:30 from Prashant Chauhan1 
> PC00474884 at techmahindra.com <mailto:PC00474884 at techmahindra.com>:
>     Hi,
>     I’m trying to use the ‘*ngsi-source-operator*’ to fetch data from
>     ‘*Orion context broker*’ and trying to populate that data on the
>     Map Widget.
>     My Orion instance is running @
>     <> and I’m using the global instance of
>     wirecloud.
>     Please suggest me, what setting should I use for
>     NGSI-source-operator in order to fetch data.
>     Also while creating subscriptions, which URL should I use to send
>     the notifications.
>     Another query is regarding Table Viewer widget, as it requires
>     input points as ‘Data and Structures’, is there any available
>     operator to fetch or create a dataset for this table viewer widget.
>     <http://www.techmahindra.com/>
>     **
>     *Prashant Chauhan***
>     Software Engineer
>     Noida-NSEZ
>     Mobile : +919582019151
>     PC00474884 at techmahindra.com <mailto:PC00474884 at techmahindra.com>
>     We believe
>     <http://online.wsj.com/ad/inthefuture/>
>     //
>     //
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