[Fiware-tech-help] How to fetch historical data?

Krishan Babbar KB00449283 at TechMahindra.com
Wed May 16 08:00:52 CEST 2018

Hi Juanjo,

In initial understanding of 'Knowage', it seems it works with CKAN. Am I right?
Actually, I was using MySQL with Cygnus, so is it possible to use Knowage MySQL?

I tried using CKAN with Cygnus but on installing CKAN (http://docs.ckan.org/en/ckan-2.7.3/maintaining/installing/install-from-source.html#install-the-required-packages) I am getting following issue.

[cid:image001.png at 01D3ED09.55BD1520]

Please suggest.

Thanks & Regards,
Krishan Babbar

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From: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 1:30 PM
To: Krishan Babbar <KB00449283 at TechMahindra.com>; Jose Ignacio Carretero <joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>; fiware-tech-help at lists.fiware.org; Fernando López Aguilar <fernando.lopez at fiware.org>
Cc: Prashant Chauhan1 <PC00474884 at TechMahindra.com>; Yugal Kishor Mullick <YM00106030 at TechMahindra.com>; Álvaro Arranz <aarranz at ficodes.com>; Francisco de la Vega <fdelavega at ficodes.com>; Alessandro Portosa <alessandro.portosa at eng.it>; Davide Zerbetto <davide.zerbetto at eng.it>
Subject: Re: [Fiware-tech-help] How to fetch historical data?

Dear Krishan,

  GUIs of applications tend to be tailor-made.  Nevertheless, I will try to give you some hints that I hope can be useful:

  *   Knowage<https://github.com/KnowageLabs/Knowage-Server> is a very complete business intelligence tool that comprises many functions including those for producing reports on historic data which has beeen stored in data-sinks using Cygnus.  It also include some functions for creating dashboards.
  *   Operational dashboards which query directly on the Orion Context Broker or some other data services can also be based on Wirecloud<https://github.com/Wirecloud/wirecloud>.
  *   STH-Comet<https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-sth-comet> can be used to store raw and aggregated time series context information in MongoDB which then you can get access to using an API
  *   You can also use QuantumLeap<https://smartsdk.github.io/ngsi-timeseries-api/> for transferring historic data into time series databases and then use some GUI tools for visualizing data (e.g., Grafana).  This is useful is some use cases.

  I add people from the Eng and FICodes teams in case they want to add something regarding Knowage and Wirecloud.

  Let us know if these hints bring answer to your questions.

  I would like to take advantage of this mail to let you know that we have re-structure contents of the FIWARE developers' page<https://developer.fiware.org/> and the FIWARE Catalogue<https://www.fiware.org/developers/catalogue/>.  We will continue working on improving it based on feedback.



On 14/05/2018 08:45, Krishan Babbar wrote:
Any input?

Thanks & Regards,
Krishan Babbar
Technical Architect
IES Internet of Things | Tech Mahindra
Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Park, Plot No. 23, Phase 2, Kishangarh, Chandigarh 160101, INDIA
* Office: +91 172 666 8400 Ext. 8352 | Mobile: +91 946 303 0996

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From: Krishan Babbar
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 2:40 PM
To: Jose Ignacio Carretero <joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org><mailto:joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>
Cc: fiware-tech-help at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-tech-help at lists.fiware.org>; Fernando López Aguilar <fernando.lopez at fiware.org><mailto:fernando.lopez at fiware.org>; Yugal Kishor Mullick <YM00106030 at TechMahindra.com><mailto:YM00106030 at TechMahindra.com>; PC00474884 at TechMahindra.com<mailto:PC00474884 at TechMahindra.com>
Subject: How to fetch historical data?

Hi Jose,

Thanks for all your support so far.

I have setup Cygnus with MySQL agent and now data is storing into MySQL.

As a next step, we need to show reports of historical data (Saved in Cygnus_MySQL) in GUI. It may be based upon some filters like data for today, last week/month, area wise etc.
My questions are

1.       Do we need to create our own APIs for fetching data from MySQL and returning to GUI application?

2.       Or is there any GUI component (WireCloud or any other) in which we can directly fetch Cygnus Data? Or we need to create our custom GUI ourselves?

3.       I found a component STH-Comet (https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-sth-comet), will it fit in our requirements for fetching Cygnus_MySQL data?

4.       Do let me know if Fiware have any other components matching with our requirement.

Thanks & Regards,
Krishan Babbar
Technical Architect
IES Internet of Things | Tech Mahindra
Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Park, Plot No. 23, Phase 2, Kishangarh, Chandigarh 160101, INDIA
* Office: +91 172 666 8400 Ext. 8352 | Mobile: +91 946 303 0996

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