Dearhuman, As you are probably aware of, the EuropeanCommission is sending out Letters of Announcement askingbeneficiaries to prepare for an upcoming audit. But with so manyrules governing the EU projects environment and with the EC revisingframeworks, models and rules, we noticed that actually preventablemistakes are repeated over and over. Involved in a series ofprojects ourselves, we have noticed that an alarming number ofpartners were unaware of their record keeping obligations and thepotential consequences of incorrect financial management and lack ofpreparation to deal with an audit. Therefore, we worked with formerAuditors of the EC to develop the course on "FinancialAdministration & Auditing Preparation for E.C. FundedProjects" based on the mistakes of hundreds of audited entitiesand projects, enriched with little secrets, structured on apractical and hands-on approach. Contrary toexperience-based courses led by people audited a couple of times,this complete two days intensive training includes step-by-stepguidance along with tips and hints and it is designed to improve theknow-how necessary to accurately prepare financial reports and beable to successfully deal with on-the-spot audits. Strictlylimited seats per course ensure a much more focused learningexperience and a customised programme. The unique trainingsessions are designed for those involved in the EU projects and takeparticipants from the basics of the EU projects environment, all theway to mastering financial management. Each course lasts two daysand includes: DAY 1: Framework and Financial aspects ofH2020 Legal Framework behind the H2020 Financial Framework andchanges under the new programming period 2021-2027 Horizon Europe. DAY 2: Direct costs - Indirect costs - Ineligible costs Subcontracting and Implementing contracts, financial support toThird Parties, General rules, Flat rate, EC Audits and conditionsfor final payment The upcoming courses are: 1-2February 2021 Online 19-20April 2021 Brussels 7-8June 2021 Brussels As most of the above trainings havecurrently a very limited availability, should you wish toparticipate to any of these courses, reserve your seat at yourearliest convenience here or come back to me and I will be more thanhappy to prepare your enrolment. Reservethis year your 2021 Training Weunderstand that the pandemic has affected the training plansof many organisations, both in terms of scheduling andbudgeting. Therefore, we are offering the option of in advancepurchase of training vouchers. Reserveyour seat in 2020 and follow any of our trainings in anylocation during 2021. For any furtherinformation or details, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Camille Herbert ---------------------------- CamilleHerbert European Academy a: Liepajas iela 34, LV-1002, Riga,Latvia t: +371 27023445 e: camille.herbert at w: banner European Academy Liepajas iela 34, LV1002 Riga, Latvia Reg. Nr. 40103899189 tel. +37127023445 If you have no more interest in receiving this, please Unsubscribe. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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