[Fiware-tech-help] [Technical question about FIWARE-Orion]Support about GeometryCollection

Hiroki Ishikawa hiro.ishikawa at ntt.com
Mon Dec 12 09:23:05 CET 2022

Hi Jason Fox and Ken Zangelin,

How is the situation of the answer to my question?
If you need any more information, please let me know.

Best Regards,
Hiroki Ishikawa

From: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 9:15 PM
To: Hiroki Ishikawa(石川大樹) <hiro.ishikawa at ntt.com>; fiware-tech-help at lists.fiware.org; Jason Fox <jason.fox at fiware.org>; Ken Gunnar Zangelin <ken.zangelin at fiware.org>
Cc: sc-dev at ntt.com
Subject: Re: [Fiware-tech-help] [Technical question about FIWARE-Orion]Support about GeometryCollection

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Dear Hiroki,

  I copy Jason Fox and Ken Zangelin who I hope can answer your question.



On 2/12/22 12:36, Hiroki Ishikawa wrote:

Dear FIWARE Tech Help Team,

I have a question about geojson support in FIWARE-Orion.

I want to use GeometryCollection data in our FIWARE-Orion project.

Please let me know whether the statement that GeometryCollection is not supported is correct.

The following URL states that FIWARE-Orion does not support GeoJSON type GeometryCollection.


The only GeoJSON type not supported at all is GeometryCollection. You will get a "Database Error" if you try to use them.

However, I confirmed with FIWARE-Orion(3.7.0) that GeometryCollection can be registered.

And I checked the article on which the support was based and found that the test data was incorrect.


"type":"Feature" in value is wrong as GeometryCollection.

I removed this and confirmed that I can successfully register with FIWARE-Orion.

Also, in the above article, it is described as follows.

NGSIv2 intentionally doesn't provide extra info regarding which GeoJSON are supported in each particular implementation because that is something up to the implementation. In the case of Orion, the GeoJson capabilities are at the end the onese in the underlaying MongoDB database.

MongoDB supports GeometryCollection, so I believe FIWARE-Orion supports it as well.

I want your answer on this issue.

If you need more information, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Hiroki Ishikawa


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