[Fiware-technical-committee] [Fiware-chapter-architects] Weekly regular meetings (scope of FIWARE TC meetings as compared to FI-Core coordination meetings)

Silvio Cretti silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Tue Feb 16 18:19:16 CET 2016

Dear all,
I must apologize for coming to this so late but unfortunately I didn't
attend the January 25th TC and then I didn't check the minutes very
carefully and probably overlooked this. Sorry again.
Here my question: if the TC will take care of the agile dynamics and
backlog in the Monday afternoon session, what about the corresponding
activities inside FI-CORE we need to carry on contractually? More
explicitly: if the TC member will be exactly the FI-CORE (chapter) work
package leaders, no problem at all of course, but what if, after the
election, a FI-CORE (chapter) work package leader is no more in the TC? I
think he/she should continue to carry out his/her duties and organize the
work of the different sprints for his/her (chapter) work package. Can
he/she continue lead the planning of the sprints? Maybe the TC works at an
higher level wrt to FI-CORE (chapter) work package but conflicts can arise.
How do we handle this?
Thanks in advance

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 7:30 AM, Juanjo Hierro <
juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
>   I had to come with a proposal on defining the scope of regular FIWARE TC
> meeting as compared to FI-Core coordination meetings.
>   In doing so, it is worth mentioning in the first place what it is
> already stated in the FIWARE Governance Model (section on 'Mission' within
> section 4.4: 'FIWARE Technical Committee ("TC")'):
> *The FIWARE Technical Committee (TC) is tasked with providing the
> coordination of technical activities in the FIWARE Community, i.e., all
> FIWARE Chapters, as defined above. It decides on issues affecting multiple
> chapters, forms an ultimate appeals board for technical decisions, and
> generally has oversight over all the FIWARE technical tasks.  *
> *Although the FIWARE TC is generally not involved in chapter-internal
> decisions, it still has oversight over chapter-specific decisions,
> especially when they affect other chapters or might negatively affect to
> the general FIWARE Reference Architecture.  Given their relevance, overall
> rules for the management of FIWARE Chapter repositories are defined by the
> FIWARE TC, while their actual implementation can be Chapter specific. *
>   On the other hand, I believe it is also relevant to highlight the
> following paragraphs of the FIWARE Governance Model (section on 'TC
> meetings" within section 4.4: 'FIWARE Technical Committee ("TC")'):
> *The TC maintains an open agenda on the FIWARE wiki or some other publicly
> available collaboration tool (e.g., Google docs). A TC meeting is
> automatically called if anything is posted in the open agenda by one of its
> members at least one week before the meeting time.*
>   Given this definition, probably the best way to proceed is trying to
> answer the following question whenever a given topic is proposed for
> discussion at a FIWARE TC meeting:
> Is this a topic relevant to the FIWARE Open Source Community?  Is this
> something we would still need to discuss if there were not funded projects
> (e.g., contracts with the EC or any other public funding programme) giving
> support to FIWARE Platform activities?
>   The point to bear in mind, though, is that probably we want to separate
> some technical activities to be regularly coordinated at FIWARE overall
> level, no matter whether a funded project exists or not, from the rest.
> I'm particularly referring to the following technical activities:
>    - Follow-up of Agile dynamics and backlog management
>    - Follow-up of Help-Desk Support activities
>    - Follow-up of specifications, software releases and technical
>    roadmaps to be delivered by the different Technical Chapters
>    - Follow-up of FIWARE peer QA testing activities
>   These are technical activities that I believe we would need to still
> coordinate no matter what, if we trust on the sustainability of the FIWARE
> Open Source community.
>   One proposal would be that these activities are considered part of the
> scope of FIWARE TC meetings but we split them so that follow-up of these
> activities are addressed on Mondays from 14:30 to 15:30.   Those meetings
> would not differ too much from the ones we already had in place during that
> slot, with a slight difference: they would be only devoted to these
> activities.   Any matter which would be, for instance, FI-Core specific
> (e.g., preparation of a review, delivery of some reports, etc) would need
> to be tackled in a separated, dedicated meeting.
>   Discussions on activities linked to "non-technical" Working Groups would
> be considered, for the time being, as FI-Core specific until structures to
> handle some of the non-technical activities of the FIWARE Open Community
> are put in place.
>   If this proposal looks suitable, then we would need to solve a formal
> question, tough ... people playing the roles of FIWARE PGM (currently,
> Miguel Carrillo) and Scrum Master (currently, Manuel Escriche) would need
> to attend the FIWARE TC meetings (at least those on Mondays afternoons).
> We may establish that they will attend the TC meetings (afternoon sessions)
> and may propose action points, but final decisions are made by TC members.
>   An alternative proposal would be to introduce the notion of "Technical
> Subcommittees" which would be created by the FIWARE TC to follow-up
> specific tasks and meet separately from the FIWARE TC, reporting on
> progress to the FIWARE TC regularly.   The only issue I see is that
> follow-up of the mentioned activities would probably require involvement of
> chapter main and deputy leaders ... so there would not be that much
> difference in terms of constituency between the FIWARE TCs and those
> subcommittees (merely the individual members, which on the other hand may
> not be a bad idea that participate in some of these subcommittees).   On
> the other hand, ability to create such "Technical Subcommitees" by the
> FIWARE TC would need to be captured in the FIWARE Governance Model.   I
> guess this won't be a major issue, though.
>   Thoughts?
>   Best regards,
> -- Juanjo
> ______________________________________________________
> Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
> CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica
> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
> twitter: @JuanjoHierro
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Silvio Cretti, SmartI Area
CREATE-NET Research Center
Via alla Cascata 56 D
38123 Povo, Trento - Italy
email: silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Tel: +39-0461-312433
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