[Fiware-technical-committee] Agile: Sprint 5.4.3 - Demo Review meeting - please, confirm slots

Pietropaolo Alfonso Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it
Mon Oct 17 11:50:17 CEST 2016

It’s important to figure out that we are not talking about FI-Core anymore. Within FI-Core indeed there were 2 different chapters, one led by Eng and one led by CNET (already ends). Within the FIWARE Foundation at the contrary, there is one single merged chapter led by you, and as second chair by me.

Of course I’m available to offer my effort for all those activities that I’m capable and able to. Anyhow let’s talk internally with a dedicated phone call in order to fix the issue.


Il giorno 17 ott 2016, alle ore 11:25, FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR <fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com<mailto:fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com>> ha scritto:

Please refer to the current TSC meeting conversations, it should be actually analysed internally. Currently the Chapter leader from Lab + Ops chapter is engineering. Fortunately, I can offer my help to keep all working but the coordination activities IMHO should not be changed.

Let’s talk internally in order to redefine this issue.


From: <fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org>> on behalf of Pietropaolo Alfonso <Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it<mailto:Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it>>
Date: Monday, 17 October 2016 at 10:23
To: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com<mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com>>
Cc: "jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>" <jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>>, "fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org>" <fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org>>
Subject: Re: [Fiware-technical-committee] Agile: Sprint 5.4.3 - Demo Review meeting - please, confirm slots

Manuel, I’m the FI-Core - FIWARE Lab leader, not Ops!… According to the FIWARE foundation election, the new leader of the merged chapter is Fernando.

Kind regards,
Il giorno 17 ott 2016, alle ore 09:35, MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com<mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com>> ha scritto:

Silvio, I assumed Alfonso was able to take organise it, and if needed to request your cooperation!!
Sorry if anything wrong on my side.
Thanks Silvio!! Please, do.
Kind regards,

De: Silvio Cretti [mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org]
Enviado el: lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016 9:14
Para: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com<mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com>>
CC: Pietropaolo Alfonso <Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it<mailto:Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it>>; Jaime Martin Losa (jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>) <jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>>; fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org>
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-technical-committee] Agile: Sprint 5.4.3 - Demo Review meeting - please, confirm slots

Sorry Manuel,
but in your email on October 3rd, you didn't mention me among the persons involved.
If I recall well, you mentioned me the first time in the email of Oct 13th and then this morning. I didn't understand that you wanted an answer from my side. As you know, I do not have any role at the moment neither in Lab/Ops nor in the TSC.
So if you really want I can report today at the TSC meeting (but without any supporting material) but again I am not the one that should govern this chapter from now on.
Please confirm if you need my presence from 11.00 (otherwise I am assuming it is not needed): I think 5-10 minutes are enough from my side.
Sorry again for the misunderstanding.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 8:58 AM, MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com<mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com>> wrote:
Hi Silvio,

As you know these slots are organised with some time in advance.
I haven’t received any feedback until today for the proposed slots.

Whatever the progress and achievements were there’s need to report them to the Technical Steering Committee, and give them the opportunity to provide the corresponding feedback.
It’s a bit disappointing having joined Lab and Ops ends up on having no content.

Therefore, please, either Alfonso or you should do the expected presentation.

Thanks for cooperation!!
Kind regards,

De: Silvio Cretti [mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org<mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org>]
Enviado el: lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016 8:52
Para: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com<mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com>>
CC: Pietropaolo Alfonso <Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it<mailto:Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it>>; Jaime Martin Losa (jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>) <jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>>; fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org>
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-technical-committee] Agile: Sprint 5.4.3 - Demo Review meeting - please, confirm slots

Hi Manuel,
sorry probably there has been a misunderstanding. As far as Ops is concerned, as you know, it has been merged with Lab and should continue on a "per Community basis" governed by the Lab Chapter. In Ops we spent the last sprint in preparing the documentation and the final deliverable for FI-CORE, due contractually, and in sorting out some bugs and improvements. So we do not have anything really relevant to show with respect to the last review meeting in September. This basically summarize what can be said for Ops activities in September sprint.
Hope this can help.
Best regards

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 8:20 AM, MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com<mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com>> wrote:
Good morning!!
Alfonso/Silvio, Jaime, I haven’t received any feedback from you regarding your chapters’ presentation of the sprint 5.4.3 demo review.

I’ve informed you for two weeks in a row in advance!!

Nonetheless, I expect you have everything ready for the assigned slots since you didn’t propose any alternative slot either.

Kind regards,

De: fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org>] En nombre de MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
Enviado el: jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016 16:04
Para: BISSON Pascal <pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com<mailto:pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com>>; Pietropaolo Alfonso <Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it<mailto:Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it>>; Silvio Cretti <silvio.cretti at create-net.org<mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org>>; Jaime Martin Losa (jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>) <jaimemartin at eprosima.com<mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>>
CC: fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org>
Asunto: [Fiware-technical-committee] Agile: Sprint 5.4.3 - Demo Review meeting - please, confirm slots

Dear Pascal, Alfonso/Silvio and Jaime,

I would appreciate receiving your confirmation for Monday’s review meetings:


Thanks for cooperation!!
Kind regards,

Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
FI-WARE Initiative
Telefónica Digital
Parque Tecnológico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34.983.36.75.13<tel:%2B34.983.36.75.13>
Skype: manuelescriche

Silvio Cretti,
Distributed Computing and Information Processing (DISCO)
Area Head
CREATE-NET Research Center
Via alla Cascata 56 D
38123 Povo, Trento - Italy
email: silvio.cretti at create-net.org<mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org>
Tel: +39-0461-312433
Mobile: +39-338-6738175<tel:%2B39-338-6738175>

Silvio Cretti,
Distributed Computing and Information Processing (DISCO)
Area Head
CREATE-NET Research Center
Via alla Cascata 56 D
38123 Povo, Trento - Italy
email: silvio.cretti at create-net.org<mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org>
Tel: +39-0461-312433
Mobile: +39-338-6738175

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