[Fiware-technical-committee] Reminders about policy for using the right mailing list

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Fri Feb 10 11:43:04 CET 2017

Dear all,

   This mail is trying to summarize the criteria to bear in mind when 
determining which should be the list you send an email to.

   Please note that this mail is sent to the FIWARE TSC members, so 
slightly different than the one I have send to other project-specific 
mailing lists.

   As you all know, FIWARE has been designed as an initiative which goes 
beyond the scope of EU-funded projects.   The FIWARE Foundation was 
created to support the FIWARE mission whose members (individuals or 
organizations) are engaged in FIWARE activities within a number of 
FIWARE Mission Support Programmes [1] and build up somehow the FIWARE 

   Certain activities carried out by some FIWARE Community members might 
be publicly funded but not necessarily.   They may even be publicly 
funded beyond the EU ... don't miss that there are some active members 
who are working in expanding FIWARE outside the EU (e.g., Mexico, Chile, 
...) and why not, they may activate some local/regional public funding.  
There might be different ways of funding the participation of members 
contributing to any activity.   Thus, for a given activity, there might 
be some members contributing to it who are going on their own (i.e., as 
individuals) and some others may be funded under certain project (fully 
private or partly funded by the EU, some other national or even some 
non-EU funding program).  There might be all kind of combination.   
Soon, for example, we may have people from NEC Japan who join the FIWARE 
TSC as representatives of NEC, which has recently joined the FIWARE 
Foundation as Platinum Member.  Three organizations which might be 
working togther in the Data chapter might be one going on their own, 
another one under the umbrella of some EU-funded project and the third 
one under the umbrella of a project funded in Germany.

   This is not different to what may happen in other existing open 
source initiatives or industry initiatives (W3C, OASIS, OMG, IIC, ...)

   We have to be very scrupulous and keep separate the exchange of 
information that is valuable for all members of the FIWARE Community 
participating in a given Committee (e.g., FIWARE TSC, or FIWARE Mundus 
Committee) or a given FIWARE Chapter and the exchange of information 
that is project-specific.   The first kind of exchanges should go 
through the mailing lists created for that purpose (e.g., the FIWARE TSC 
mailing list, the list defined to run discussions within a given FIWARE 
Chapter, the list used to run discussions on FIWARE NGSI, ...).   The 
second exchange should take place using mailing lists created for 
exchanging project specific info and run discussions that are only 
project specific (e.g., how to organize a project review).

   Nowadays, all members of the FIWARE TSC are not moderated, meaning 
that any message they send to the 
fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org are immediately forwarded. 
However and from now on, if someone sends a message that breaks the 
above criteria, he/she will become moderated as individual in the 
list.   Only after a period during which he/she proves he using the 
mailing list properly he will become non-moderated again.


Juanjo Hierro 	
Chief Technology Officer
FIWARE Foundation 	
	FIWARE Foundation
email: juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
www: http://fiware.org
twitter: @JuanjoHierro @FIWARE 	

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