[Fiware-technical-committee] [FIWARE] Agile: Sprint 6.2.2 - Closing activity - deadline 28.Feb

Fernando López fernando.lopez at fiware.org
Mon Feb 20 17:14:06 CET 2017

Dear Partners,
As we approach the end of sprint 6.2.2, specific work items have been 
created for this purpose.
Root issue: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/COR-905
Let me remind you of:
1-Updating your backlog to reflect its actual status until *28. February 
at 17:00h CET*
2-Creating tickets for those unforeseen issues arisen during the sprint.
Current status:

Thank you for your cooperation!!!

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Best regards,

Fernando López

FIWARE Scrum Master

Franklinstrasse 13
10587 Berlin - Germany

fernando.lopez at fiware.org <mailto:fernando.lopez at fiware.org>
www.fiware.org <http://www.fiware.org>

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