[Fiware-technical-committee] IMPORTANT next steps regarding implementation of IDS concepts using FIWARE

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Wed Jan 17 09:18:40 CET 2018

Dear all,

   Please find in the following link the minutes of the meeting we will 
have today and tomorrow:




On 15/01/2018 17:17, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
> Dear all,
>   For logistic reasons, we would need confirmation of who will attend 
> the planned meeting this wednesday and thursday.
>   For this reason, please fill the following doodle:
>     https://doodle.com/poll/p7czc5ypfrcwrk55
>   Cheers,
>   Juanjo
> On 10/01/2018 11:44, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>   As you may remember, next week we have planned the follow-up 
>> meeting of our task force focused on implementing IDS Architecture 
>> elements using FIWARE.
>>   The meeting will take place at the FIWARE Foundation office, 
>> starting on January 17th, 09:00am and closing on 18th at 17:00. 
>> Please schedule your flights accordingly.
>>   During morning of 17th, we'll be focused on consolidating the 
>> results of the technical discussions we initiated in Madrid. The goal 
>> should be that we end up the meeting with a clear picture of what 
>> will be the architecture of our proposed implementation of IDS 
>> concepts (IDS Connector, IDS Broker, IDS Store) and the table of 
>> contents of a document we shall produce documenting these architectures.
>>   It's true that we (or probably mostly I) was a bit too optimistic 
>> about making progress before today so let's re-plan a bit and try to 
>> come with a bit more realistic and pragmatic approach.  In this 
>> respect and in order to make progress towards the coming meeting I 
>> propose to carry out the following tasks:
>>   * @All: to complete the minutes
>>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dq0wN82hGQOFTl3pAqQutTeIlO3DRsqAvw1O3_xMrtc/edit?usp=sharing>
>>     of our meeting on December 17 in order to capture a detailed
>>     description of the solution we envisioned for the points we
>>     discussed.  We need that this task is completed by Monday 15th,
>>     09:00am the latest.   Specifically:
>>       o @Joaquin/Álvaro: document solution to proxy architecture for
>>         handling subscription/notifications
>>       o @Joaquin/Álvaro/Francisco: document solution to access token
>>         application scope.   It would be great if you could integrate
>>         into the minutes an analysis of the solutions identified
>>         during the meeting you promise to analyze.
>>       o @Federico/Clara: elaborate on what would be the approach for
>>         deploying, configuring and managing an IDS connector relying
>>         on the Mastermind tool.
>>       o @Bin: try to create a section and elaborate on a potential
>>         Use Case which may integrate FogFlow components
>>   * @Juanjo: with input from the minutes I will try to work on a ToC
>>     for the document we want to produce describing our proposed
>>     implementation of IDS concepts.  I will try to bring a early
>>     draft of such document with some sections covered for our f2f
>>     meeting, translating some of the contents you will develop and
>>     incorporate in the minutes (that is the reason why I need that
>>     you complete the previous task before Monday.
>>   * During the morning session on January 17th, we will review where
>>     we are, discuss on hot topics/problems and planning to complete
>>     the documentation as well as produce a first environment where
>>     IDS Architecture elements implemented using FIWARE can be deployed.
>>   From 17th 13:00 until 18th 17:00, we'll focus our discussion on the 
>> Zero breakdown/defects Use Case we intend to get ready for the 
>> Hannover-Messe fair end of April.
>>   I copy the rest of the FIWARE TSC for those who might be interested 
>> to attend the meeting.
>>   Please, those who are coming to the event, fill your name in the 
>> table I have generated at the end of the minutes of our last f2f meting.
>>   Cheers,
>>   Juanjo

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