[Fiware-technical-committee] [Fiware-individual-members] IMPORTANT: Election of "remarkable individuals" participating in the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Mon Jul 19 05:07:34 CEST 2021

Dear Davide,

   Thanks for noticing, I thought that I had created the document with 
edit privileges but you are right, it didn't have the privileges :-( ... 
apologies for the inconvenience.

   Now the document for providing the candidatures for seats of 
remarkable individuals 
is editable by anyone who has the link.



On 18/7/21 18:34, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:
> Dear Juanjo,
>   Sorry to push on this but starting from 19/7 I’ll be on vacation for 
> two weeks with limited access to email. I would add my candidacy as 
> soon as possible … can you, of other administrating those files and 
> folders, open the access in edit mode?
> Thank you in advance for your kind availability.
> BR
> Davide
>> On 15 Jul 2021, at 16:53, Davide Dalle Carbonare 
>> <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>> 
>> wrote:
>> Dear Juanjo,
>>   Apparently the file for Remarkable Individual Members is not shared 
>> in edit mode … would it be possible to double check please?
>> In case, I also sent a request for edit permissions.
>> Thank you
>> BR
>> Davide
>> *Upcoming vacation 19/07 - 30/07*
>> Davide Dalle Carbonare - davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it 
>> <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>
>> R&I Business Developer
>> Senior Researcher
>> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - www.eng.it 
>> <http://www.eng.it/>
>> @davdalle 
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/davdalle__;!!LQkDIss!ACdgwjgpX8_5c4a4IbJHo2BkdQxDbVCOuMubS6oC8xhqgTfxMROz0g2HbDhJZFX2K_cWGLze$> | 
>> linkedin 
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>>> On 14 Jul 2021, at 08:33, Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org 
>>> <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>>   According to the FIWARE bylaws 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fiware.org/foundation/bylaws/__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01CdVonse$>, 
>>> The FIWARE Technical Steering Committee (TSC) is the body where 
>>> technical decisions are taken and evolution of the different FIWARE 
>>> components (incubated or consolidated) is followed up.  It is also 
>>> where technical roadmap discussions take place, eventually leading 
>>> to creation of FIWARE Technical Roadmap Working Groups.
>>>   The FIWARE TSC is renewed on a yearly basis and is composed by:
>>>   * **One representative of each Platinum Member (PM)**
>>>   * ******Two representatives of each FIWARE Chapter, elected by the
>>>     corresponding FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors**
>>>   * **Remarkable Individual Members elected by the whole group of
>>>     Chapter Active Contributors, up to one third of the number of
>>>     Chapter Leaders plus PM representatives.**
>>> **The full list of FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors can be found 
>>> here 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V6Z9efLoZGubjudO8KQHtd6zVVPyQqqK13CH8WQrLS8/edit?usp=sharing__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01F0H68Oz$>.
>>>   Election of FIWARE TSC seats take place in two rounds:
>>>   * First round, representatives of FIWARE Chapters are elected
>>>   * Second round, remarkable individuals are elected
>>>   The first step in the election process has been completed with the 
>>> election of representatives of the several FIWARE Chapters.   This 
>>> is a process organized within each chapter.   Election of these 
>>> seats has been completed and results can be found in the table below:
>>>     *
>>>     Chapter
>>>     Candidates
>>>     Core
>>>     Fermín Galán and Benoit Orihuela
>>>     Core Data Connectors
>>>     Joaquín Salvachúa, Alain Galdemas
>>>     Context Processing & Visualization
>>>     Naveen Singh Bisht, Álvaro Arranz
>>>     Interface to IoT and 3rd systems
>>>     Guiomar Tuñon, Gabriele de Luca
>>>     Interface to Robotic Systems
>>>     Jaime Martin-Losa, Peter Detzner
>>>     Security and API Management
>>>     Alvaro Alonso, Gabriele de Luca
>>>     Data Publication and Trading
>>>     Francisco de la Vega, Miguel Jiménez
>>>     Tutorials
>>>     Kazuhito Suda, Jason Fox
>>>     FIWARE Lab
>>>     Fernando López, Alfonso Pietropaolo
>>>     QA Lab
>>>     Fernando López / Stefano de Panfilis, Pasquale Vitale
>>>     FIWARE Deployment tools
>>>     Stefan Wiedemann, Ajay Yadav
>>>     Smart Data Models
>>>     Alberto Abella, Marc Despland
>>>     *
>>>   Now, it comes the time for election of remarkable individuals.  Up 
>>> to 10 seats will be completed through this process.
>>>   This will take place in two steps:
>>>     1. Reception of Candidatures:
>>>       o If you wish to candidate for a seat, please add your
>>>         candidature to the following table
>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gceYwU85biHoEsZNZU5zNZQRbSWdNtzO1TMaXSOUM1E/edit?usp=sharing__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01DezoAN7$>.  
>>>         As you will see, there is a space for you to provide an
>>>         "elevator pitch".  You can take as reference the table with
>>>         the pitch of candidates last year
>>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rBMJM8muHzkcE7CEYhZPd_9fD9Do8q3MFXcEH3rjOPA/edit?usp=sharing__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01KBWIwbb$>.
>>>       o *Deadline for reception of candidatures*: Sunday July 25,
>>>         EOD CET
>>>     2. Election among candidates:
>>>       o A process will be put in place for FIWARE Chapter Active
>>>         Contributors to cast their vote on candidatures, starting
>>>         July 26th.
>>>       o *Deadline for voting*: July 31st, EOD CET
>>>   The final list of FIWARE TSC members will be announced on August 2nd.
>>>   Note that election of remarkable individuals is open to any 
>>> individual member of the FIWARE Foundation, despite voting on 
>>> candidates is limited to FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors.  
>>> Remarkable individuals are expected to be candidates that meet 
>>> merits in terms of relevant current or potential contribution to 
>>> FIWARE from a technical point of view.    Note that candidates 
>>> should bear in mind that the FIWARE TSC members are expected to meet 
>>> regularly every Monday from 10:30 to 12:30 CET (stopping when there 
>>> are holidays).   You can check minutes of TSC meetings 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fiware.org/foundation/technical-steering-committee/*minutes__;Iw!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01KmsVm3w$> 
>>> so far to get a perspective.  We expect FIWARE TSC members to join 
>>> regularly and participate actively in the discussions.  Besides, 
>>> FIWARE TSC members are expected to participate as individual and see 
>>> for the interest of FIWARE and the FIWARE Community, not 
>>> representing the interest of their organization.   In this respect, 
>>> as individual FIWARE Foundation members, they are committed to 
>>> follow the FIWARE Code of Conduct 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fiware.org/foundation/code-of-conduct/__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01Gf0pQsA$> 
>>> (note that you may run as candidate even if you are not yet 
>>> individual member but you have to become individual member to make 
>>> your election valid).
>>>   Last but not least, I would like to take advantage to remind that 
>>> everyone in the FIWARE Community is welcomed to join the FIWARE TSC 
>>> meetings since they are open and public.  That is always a great 
>>> opportunity to follow-up first-hand on progress of the different 
>>> FIWARE components and roadmap plans.  You can find info about how to 
>>> join looking at the initial section of minutes of TSC meetings 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fiware.org/foundation/technical-steering-committee/*minutes__;Iw!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01KmsVm3w$> 
>>> (it is always the same GoToMeeting bridge).
>>>   Best regards,
>>> -- 
>>> Document
>>> Juanjo Hierro
>>> Chief Technology Officer
>>> juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
>>> www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01Gb5Hw7s$>
>>> Twitter: @fiware 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/fiware__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01BQBq-xK$> 
>>> @JuanjoHierro 
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro__;!!LQkDIss!ChM1iiInaI7uX0IBe0WRPuqVaJGhLOAveUTH0spzeL6LpApqpftA0JsfJ_Bd67t01PcSOT67$>
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