[Fiware-technical-committee] VERY IMPORTANT: Election of members of the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee (FIWARE TSC)

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Fri Sep 2 10:41:22 CEST 2022

Hi everyone,

   Please find the candidatures as *chapter representatives* in the 

   You will find marked with an X the chapters to which each candidate 
has applied.

   I have performed an analysis and found an assignment of seats by 
which a) each candidate would get a seat, b) all chapters have 2 
representatives (or at least one) ... but avoiding to go for a voting 
which is always a bit tedious and may put in compromise the target goal 
of having the TSC elected and able to be announced by the FIWARE Global 
Summit.    The proposal is marked in green and would mean that the 
representatives could be defined as follows:

  * Core chapter (Orion, Orion-LD, Scorpio, Stellio): Fermín
    Sánchez-Galán, Benoit Orihuela
  * Core Data Connectors (Cygnus, Cosmos, Draco, QuantumLeap, STH-Comet,
    PySpark, Apollo, NGSI.js, Canis Major): Joaquín Salvachúa, Pooja Pathak
  * Context Processing and Visualization (Perseo, FogFlow, Wirecloud):
    Álvaro Arranz
  * Interface with IoT and other systems (IoT Agents, Kurento, Openvidu,
    Open MTC, Oliot EPCIS gateway): Cyrille Sauvignac, Alain Galdemas
  * Interface with Robotic and Automation systems (OPC UA Agent, Fast
    RTPS, Micro XCRE-DDS, FIROS): Gabriele De Luca, Jaime Martin
  * Security and API Management (Keyrock, Wilma, AuthZForce, API
    umbrella, Kong Plug-ins, CoatRack, TRUE Connector, Steelskin PEP,
    Keypass, Keystone SCIM/SPASSWORD): Alvaro Alonso, Dennis Wendland
  * Publication and Monetization / Data Publication and Trading (CKAN
    extensions, BAE, Idra): Francisco de la Vega
  * FIWARE Tutorials: Jason Fox, Kazuhito Suda
  * FIWARE Lab: Alfonso Pietropaolo, Ajay Yadav
  * QA Lab: Fernando López, Pasquale Vitale
  * FIWARE Deployment tools (FIWARE4K8s): Stefan Wiedemann
  * Smart Data Models: Alberto Abella, Marc Despland

   Some candidatures, marked in yellow, arrived after the original 
deadline but since they wouldn't harm any candidature and it would lead 
to a more complete representation of chapters, I would propose accepting 
them.  Unless anyone raises an objection before September 5th, I would 
consider my proposal accepted.

   Now, following the defined process, we open the process for the 
election of seats linked to "remarkable individual members" which is 
offered to members of the FIWARE Community who may not be specifically 
contributor to any of the FIWARE chapters but it is considered that can 
bring a relevant contribution to FIWARE TSC discussion.

   For this part, we ask candidates to apply by adding a row to the 
document with info about candidates for remarkable individual seats 
There, candidates have to provide their data and include a "elvator 
pitch" that FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors and Platinum member 
representatives will take into consideration for voting.  You may 
consider the document with candidates for remarkable individuals seats 
from 2021 as a reference 

   I remind the names of Platinum member representatives (listed in 
alphabetical order of the organization and welcome to those joining):

  * Atos: Clara Pezuela
  * AWS: Ali Benfattoum
  * Engineering: Piero Corte (with Laura Pucci as proxy)
  * NEC: Martin Bauer
  * Red Hat: Johnny Westerlund
  * Telefónica: Miguel Angel Pedraza
  * Trigyn: Sirish Simha

   Deadline for candidatures is September 7th 10:00 (I believe we need 
to extend a bit the deadline compared to the initial plan due to delay 
in finalizing the process for chapter representatives election).  Then 
we will launch the voting that will close on September 11th EOD.

   Thanks for your collaboration in the process.



On 12/8/22 15:02, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
> Dear all,
>    You are receiving this mail because you were registered as FIWARE 
> Chapter Active Contributor or point of contact regarding a given 
> FIWARE Generic Enabler (Incubated or not). Members of the FIWARE TSC 
> are also in copy.
>    According to the FIWARE bylaws 
> <https://www.fiware.org/foundation/bylaws/>, the FIWARE Technical 
> Steering Committee shall be renewed on a yearly basis.  Therefore, I'm 
> approaching you willing to get you involveed in the process.
>   The FIWARE TSC shall be composed by:**
>   * *
>     Two representatives of each FIWARE Chapter
>  *
>     One representative of each Platinum Member (PM) - at the moment,
>     there are 7: Atos, AWS, Engineering, NEC, Red Hat, Telefónica, Trigyn
>  *
>     Remarkable Individual Members elected by the Chapter Active
>     Contributors, up to one third of the number of Chapter Leaders
>     plus PM representatives.
>     * 
> *
> The FIWARE TSC members shall be also FF Individual Members.
> The current FIWARE TSC has agreed that the following chapters be 
> considered (corresponding GEs within parentheses):
> *
>   * Core chapter (Orion, Orion-LD, Scorpio, Stellio)
>   * Core Data Connectors (Cygnus, Cosmos, Draco, QuantumLeap,
>     STH-Comet, PySpark, Apollo, NGSI.js, Canis Major)
>   * Context Processing and Visualization (Perseo, FogFlow, Wirecloud)
>   * Interface with IoT and other systems (IoT Agents, Kurento,
>     Openvidu, Open MTC, Oliot EPCIS gateway)
>   * Interface with Robotic and Automation systems (OPC UA Agent, Fast
>     RTPS, Micro XCRE-DDS, FIROS)
>   * Security and API Management (Keyrock, Wilma, AuthZForce, API
>     umbrella, Kong Plug-ins, CoatRack, TRUE Connector, Steelskin PEP,
>     Keypass, Keystone SCIM/SPASSWORD)
>   * Publication and Monetization / Data Publication and Trading (CKAN
>     extensions, BAE, Idra)
>   * FIWARE Tutorials
>   * FIWARE Lab
>   * QA Lab
>   * FIWARE Deployment tools (FIWARE4K8s)
>   * Smart Data Models
> **
> *Considering that we currently have 7 seats reserved for Platinum 
> Members, then we would have up to (7+2*12) / 3 = 10 remarkable 
> individuals elected, therefore 41 seats in total (maximum).*
> *
> *A call for candidatures for each of the mentioned FIWARE chapters is 
> now open. You may submit your candidature by means of registering it 
> using the following **application form* 
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHh5Ca5IKc42a52Nh3Mfbr_dLs14n2DAPqlYtXtcv73PSbJA/viewform>*. 
> Deadline for submitting your candidature is August 29th EOB (20:00 CEST)*
> Calendar for the elections will be as follows:
> *
> *
> 1.
>     Until EOD of August 29th: Deadline for candidates to the different
>     chapters through application form
>     <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHh5Ca5IKc42a52Nh3Mfbr_dLs14n2DAPqlYtXtcv73PSbJA/viewform?usp=sf_link>. 
>     Results will be consolidated in this candidates spreadsheet
>     <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xj2GFTSJQgIJT0s_5xEzn_7982ClJ4dM4Ar4XUTh6bw/edit?usp=sharing>.
>     Also Platinum members should confirm their representatives.  In
>     parallel, we will be updating the Public List of FIWARE Chapter
>     Active Contributors
>     <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V6Z9efLoZGubjudO8KQHtd6zVVPyQqqK13CH8WQrLS8/edit?usp=sharing>.
>     GE caretakers will be requested to review the list and add missing
>     contributors using the official form
>     <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYfHWqE54jmeUR_xLMyRdQ-QxyZ92CNskUiRT5MQsiRp95XA/viewform?c=0&w=1>.
> 2.
>     August 29th: FF will analyze the proposal of candidatures in order
>     to determine which chapters require voting and announcement of
>     nominated candidates for them.
> 3.
>     August 29th - September 5th 10:00am: voting of candidates in
>     chapters which require voting
> 4.
>     August 29th - September 6th, 12:00: reception of proposals for
>     candidates as remarkable individuals (up to 10 seats)
> 5.
>     TSC of September 5th: announcement of chapter representatives at
>     the new TSC
> 6.
>     September 6th, 13:00: publication of final list of candidates to
>     remarkable individual seats (up to 10 seats)
> 7.
>     September 6th 13:00 - September 11th EOD: voting of candidates for
>     seats associated to remarkable individuals
>  8. *September 12th, prior to FIWARE Global Summit: final list of new
>     TSC members announced via mai*
> *
> **
> **
> *
> Besides the opportunity to run for elections in any of the FIWARE 
> Chapters we will ask for your vote a) regarding FIWARE chapters where 
> you have been registered as Active Contributors and there are more 
> than 2 candidates, b) election of remarkable individuals (if more than 
> 9 candidatures are submitted.
> *I would like to take the opportunity to comment that you don't need 
> to be elected member of the FIWARE TSC to join its calls*. FIWARE 
> members (including individual members) are welcome to attend and 
> participate first-hand in discussions as well as folllow-up on 
> progress of activities with regards to the different FIWARE components 
> and FIWARE Chapter activities, including FIWARE Roadmap activities. 
> You can check minutes of the FIWARE TSC meetings (where dial-in bridge 
> details are included) following this link 
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11zZAv7l3FCr0a0I_UoC39S6dwdjC2x7ydmPeH61-X74/edit?usp=sharing>.
> Thanks in advance for your contribution.
> Best regards,
> *
> -- 
> Document
> Juanjo Hierro
> Chief Technology Officer
> juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
> www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
> Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 
> <https://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
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