[Fiware-technical-committee] VERY IMPORTANT: Election of members of the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee (FIWARE TSC)

Marius Snyman marius at teclab.co.za
Fri Sep 2 15:12:07 CEST 2022

Hello Juanjo

I have been honoured to be part of the FIWARE TSC and enjoyed the
interaction and work of all FIWARE members and staff.

It is therefore with a high degree of sadness that I must decline
continuing as a member of the TSC.

A business agreement requires that I attend to an intense project for
investors and I can not presently make time for the TSC.

May FIWARE prosper, I still value remaining a member of FIWARE foundation.

Thank you for the special experience I could share with you all!

Groete / Regards
*Marius Snyman*
Profile: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariussnyman/
Business: http://teclab.co.za

On Fri, 2 Sept 2022 at 14:58, Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>

> Hi everyone,
>   One very last candidature to be chapter representative was received from
> Flavio Cirillo, from the FogFlow team, for taking a seat in connection to
> the Processing and Visualization chapter.  Therefore, I have added him into
> the list of late candidatures for which I recommend the acceptance since it
> doesn't harm any other candidatures and all the candidates have recognized
> they were late because they somehow got disconnected because of the summer
> holidays.
>   Therefore, the updated list would be as follows (and I'll take advantage
> to fix a typo with the surname of Fermín, sorry about that):
>    - Core chapter (Orion, Orion-LD, Scorpio, Stellio): Fermín
>    Galán-Márquez, Benoit Orihuela
>    - Core Data Connectors (Cygnus, Cosmos, Draco, QuantumLeap, STH-Comet,
>    PySpark, Apollo, NGSI.js, Canis Major): Joaquín Salvachúa, Pooja Pathak
>    - Context Processing and Visualization (Perseo, FogFlow, Wirecloud):
>    Flavio Cirillo, Álvaro Arranz
>    - Interface with IoT and other systems (IoT Agents, Kurento, Openvidu,
>    Open MTC, Oliot EPCIS gateway): Cyrille Sauvignac, Alain Galdemas
>    - Interface with Robotic and Automation systems (OPC UA Agent, Fast
>    RTPS, Micro XCRE-DDS, FIROS): Gabriele De Luca, Jaime Martin
>    - Security and API Management (Keyrock, Wilma, AuthZForce, API
>    umbrella, Kong Plug-ins, CoatRack, TRUE Connector, Steelskin PEP, Keypass,
>    Keystone SCIM/SPASSWORD): Alvaro Alonso, Dennis Wendland
>    - Publication and Monetization / Data Publication and Trading (CKAN
>    extensions, BAE, Idra): Francisco de la Vega
>    - FIWARE Tutorials: Jason Fox, Kazuhito Suda
>    - FIWARE Lab: Alfonso Pietropaolo, Ajay Yadav
>    - QA Lab: Fernando López, Pasquale Vitale
>    - FIWARE Deployment tools (FIWARE4K8s): Stefan Wiedemann
>    - Smart Data Models: Alberto Abella, Marc Despland
>   For completeness, I remind the names of Platinum member representatives
> (listed in alphabetical order of the organization and welcome to those
> joining):
>    - Atos: Clara Pezuela
>    - AWS: Ali Benfattoum
>    - Engineering: Piero Corte (with Laura Pucci as proxy)
>    - NEC: Martin Bauer
>    - Red Hat: Johnny Westerlund
>    - Telefónica: Miguel Angel Pedraza
>    - Trigyn: Sirish Simha
>   Looking now for the candidatures to remarkable individual seats!
>   Cheers,
>   Juanjo
> On 2/9/22 10:41, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>   Please find the candidatures as *chapter representatives* in the FIWARE
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xT8kRgc9rxCiWioA7Z3uvHsJld5J4owZ8n6Z5A7ztUQ/edit?usp=sharing>
> .
>   You will find marked with an X the chapters to which each candidate has
> applied.
>   I have performed an analysis and found an assignment of seats by which
> a) each candidate would get a seat, b) all chapters have 2 representatives
> (or at least one) ... but avoiding to go for a voting which is always a bit
> tedious and may put in compromise the target goal of having the TSC elected
> and able to be announced by the FIWARE Global Summit.    The proposal is
> marked in green and would mean that the representatives could be defined as
> follows:
>    - Core chapter (Orion, Orion-LD, Scorpio, Stellio): Fermín
>    Sánchez-Galán, Benoit Orihuela
>    - Core Data Connectors (Cygnus, Cosmos, Draco, QuantumLeap, STH-Comet,
>    PySpark, Apollo, NGSI.js, Canis Major): Joaquín Salvachúa, Pooja Pathak
>    - Context Processing and Visualization (Perseo, FogFlow, Wirecloud):
>    Álvaro Arranz
>    - Interface with IoT and other systems (IoT Agents, Kurento, Openvidu,
>    Open MTC, Oliot EPCIS gateway): Cyrille Sauvignac, Alain Galdemas
>    - Interface with Robotic and Automation systems (OPC UA Agent, Fast
>    RTPS, Micro XCRE-DDS, FIROS): Gabriele De Luca, Jaime Martin
>    - Security and API Management (Keyrock, Wilma, AuthZForce, API
>    umbrella, Kong Plug-ins, CoatRack, TRUE Connector, Steelskin PEP, Keypass,
>    Keystone SCIM/SPASSWORD): Alvaro Alonso, Dennis Wendland
>    - Publication and Monetization / Data Publication and Trading (CKAN
>    extensions, BAE, Idra): Francisco de la Vega
>    - FIWARE Tutorials: Jason Fox, Kazuhito Suda
>    - FIWARE Lab: Alfonso Pietropaolo, Ajay Yadav
>    - QA Lab: Fernando López, Pasquale Vitale
>    - FIWARE Deployment tools (FIWARE4K8s): Stefan Wiedemann
>    - Smart Data Models: Alberto Abella, Marc Despland
>   Some candidatures, marked in yellow, arrived after the original deadline
> but since they wouldn't harm any candidature and it would lead to a more
> complete representation of chapters, I would propose accepting them.
> Unless anyone raises an objection before September 5th, I would consider my
> proposal accepted.
>   Now, following the defined process, we open the process for the election
> of seats linked to "remarkable individual members" which is offered to
> members of the FIWARE Community who may not be specifically contributor to
> any of the FIWARE chapters but it is considered that can bring a relevant
> contribution to FIWARE TSC discussion.
>   For this part, we ask candidates to apply by adding a row to the
> document with info about candidates for remarkable individual seats
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/108tEstVTFEY27P_HCg0hJ9yB9ZYOr4zzv3GGg-MhsoM/edit?usp=sharing>.
> There, candidates have to provide their data and include a "elvator pitch"
> that FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors and Platinum member representatives
> will take into consideration for voting.  You may consider the document
> with candidates for remarkable individuals seats from 2021 as a reference
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gceYwU85biHoEsZNZU5zNZQRbSWdNtzO1TMaXSOUM1E/edit?usp=sharing>
> .
>   I remind the names of Platinum member representatives (listed in
> alphabetical order of the organization and welcome to those joining):
>    - Atos: Clara Pezuela
>    - AWS: Ali Benfattoum
>    - Engineering: Piero Corte (with Laura Pucci as proxy)
>    - NEC: Martin Bauer
>    - Red Hat: Johnny Westerlund
>    - Telefónica: Miguel Angel Pedraza
>    - Trigyn: Sirish Simha
>   Deadline for candidatures is September 7th 10:00 (I believe we need to
> extend a bit the deadline compared to the initial plan due to delay in
> finalizing the process for chapter representatives election).  Then we will
> launch the voting that will close on September 11th EOD.
>   Thanks for your collaboration in the process.
>   Cheers,
>   Juanjo
> On 12/8/22 15:02, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
> Dear all,
>    You are receiving this mail because you were registered as FIWARE
> Chapter Active Contributor or point of contact regarding a given FIWARE
> Generic Enabler (Incubated or not).  Members of the FIWARE TSC are also in
> copy.
>    According to the FIWARE bylaws
> <https://www.fiware.org/foundation/bylaws/>, the FIWARE Technical
> Steering Committee shall be renewed on a yearly basis.  Therefore, I'm
> approaching you willing to get you involveed in the process.
>   The FIWARE TSC shall be composed by:
>    * - Two representatives of each FIWARE Chapter - One representative of
>    each Platinum Member (PM) - at the moment, there are 7: Atos, AWS,
>    Engineering, NEC, Red Hat, Telefónica, Trigyn - Remarkable Individual
>    Members elected by the Chapter Active Contributors, up to one third of the
>    number of Chapter Leaders plus PM representatives. *
> * The FIWARE TSC members shall be also FF Individual Members. The current
> FIWARE TSC has agreed that the following chapters be considered
> (corresponding GEs within parentheses): *
>    - Core chapter (Orion, Orion-LD, Scorpio, Stellio)
>    - Core Data Connectors (Cygnus, Cosmos, Draco, QuantumLeap, STH-Comet,
>    PySpark, Apollo, NGSI.js, Canis Major)
>    - Context Processing and Visualization (Perseo, FogFlow, Wirecloud)
>    - Interface with IoT and other systems (IoT Agents, Kurento, Openvidu,
>    Open MTC, Oliot EPCIS gateway)
>    - Interface with Robotic and Automation systems (OPC UA Agent, Fast
>    - Security and API Management (Keyrock, Wilma, AuthZForce, API
>    umbrella, Kong Plug-ins, CoatRack, TRUE Connector, Steelskin PEP, Keypass,
>    Keystone SCIM/SPASSWORD)
>    - Publication and Monetization / Data Publication and Trading (CKAN
>    extensions, BAE, Idra)
>    - FIWARE Tutorials
>    - FIWARE Lab
>    - QA Lab
>    - FIWARE Deployment tools (FIWARE4K8s)
>    - Smart Data Models
> * Considering that we currently have 7 seats reserved for Platinum
> Members, then we would have up to (7+2*12) / 3 = 10 remarkable individuals
> elected, therefore 41 seats in total (maximum).*
> * A call for candidatures for each of the mentioned FIWARE chapters is now
> open. You may submit your candidature by means of registering it using the
> following application form
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHh5Ca5IKc42a52Nh3Mfbr_dLs14n2DAPqlYtXtcv73PSbJA/viewform>.
> Deadline for submitting your candidature is August 29th EOB (20:00 CEST)
> Calendar for the elections will be as follows: *
> * 1. Until EOD of August 29th: Deadline for candidates to the different
> chapters through application form
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHh5Ca5IKc42a52Nh3Mfbr_dLs14n2DAPqlYtXtcv73PSbJA/viewform?usp=sf_link>.
> Results will be consolidated in this candidates spreadsheet
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xj2GFTSJQgIJT0s_5xEzn_7982ClJ4dM4Ar4XUTh6bw/edit?usp=sharing>.
> Also Platinum members should confirm their representatives.  In parallel,
> we will be updating the Public List of FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V6Z9efLoZGubjudO8KQHtd6zVVPyQqqK13CH8WQrLS8/edit?usp=sharing>.
> GE caretakers will be requested to review the list and add missing
> contributors using the official form
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYfHWqE54jmeUR_xLMyRdQ-QxyZ92CNskUiRT5MQsiRp95XA/viewform?c=0&w=1>.
> 2. August 29th: FF will analyze the proposal of candidatures in order to
> determine which chapters require voting and announcement of nominated
> candidates for them. 3. August 29th - September 5th 10:00am: voting of
> candidates in chapters which require voting 4. August 29th - September 6th,
> 12:00: reception of proposals for candidates as remarkable individuals (up
> to 10 seats) 5. TSC of September 5th: announcement of chapter
> representatives at the new TSC 6. September 6th, 13:00: publication of
> final list of candidates to remarkable individual seats (up to 10 seats) 7.
> September 6th 13:00 - September 11th EOD: voting of candidates for seats
> associated to remarkable individuals 8. September 12th, prior to FIWARE
> Global Summit: final list of new TSC members announced via mai *
> * Besides the opportunity to run for elections in any of the FIWARE
> Chapters we will ask for your vote a) regarding FIWARE chapters where you
> have been registered as Active Contributors and there are more than 2
> candidates, b) election of remarkable individuals (if more than 9
> candidatures are submitted. I would like to take the opportunity to comment
> that you don't need to be elected member of the FIWARE TSC to join its
> calls. FIWARE members (including individual members) are welcome to attend
> and participate first-hand in discussions as well as folllow-up on progress
> of activities with regards to the different FIWARE components and FIWARE
> Chapter activities, including FIWARE Roadmap activities. You can check
> minutes of the FIWARE TSC meetings (where dial-in bridge details are
> included) following this link
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11zZAv7l3FCr0a0I_UoC39S6dwdjC2x7ydmPeH61-X74/edit?usp=sharing>.
> Thanks in advance for your contribution. Best regards, *
> --
> Juanjo Hierro
> Chief Technology Officer
> juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
> www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro
> Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro
> <https://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
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