[Fiware-technical-committee] Wrong mails used for the invitation sent to members and followers of the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee

Juanjo Hierro (personal) juanjose.hierro at gmail.com
Fri May 10 11:21:57 CEST 2024

Dear Andrea,

   Someone has brought to my attention that you had sent an invitation 
for a "FIWARE Technical Steering Committee Town Hall".

   That invitation was not received by me, maybe because you sent it to 
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org by mistake, when that is an email address you 
know it is currently supended :-)

   On the other hand, looking at the email addresses you have sent your 
mail to, there are members who are missed, not only me.

   I take the advantage to ask you to change the owner of the weekly 
calendar invitation we have for our FIWARE TSC meetings on Mondays 10:30 
to 12:30.  Me as chairman of the FIWARE TSC should be the owner because 
that allows to cancel meetings when it has been agreed, etc.   As an 
alternative, I offer that you delete the existing weekly calendar 
invitation so that I can create another one.
   I also asked this morning to reset and send the password for the 
admin and moderator role to me.  Please also check that Martin Bauer (in 
copy) is registered as admin and moderator for this mailing list.

   Note that the fiware-technical-committee mailing list includes 
individual members or employees of organization members who wanted to 
keep updated on exchanges within the FIWARE TSC, not only FIWARE TSC 
members.  That is ok because we are fully transparent in all we do.  
This means that your invitation will be received by members and 
"followers" of the FIWARE TSC.  Again, that is also ok in my opinion.

   Best regards,

   Juanjo Hierro
   FIWARE Technical Steering Committee

-------- Forwarded Message --------

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: *Andrea Battaglia* <andrea.battaglia at fiware.org>
Date: lun, 6 may 2024 a las 11:46
Subject: Invitación: FIWARE Technical Steering Committee Town Hall mié 
15 de may de 2024 1pm - 3pm (CEST) (fdelavega at ficodes.com)
To: <fdelavega at ficodes.com>, Chandra Challagonda 
<chandra.challagonda at fiware.org>, Stefano De Panfilis 
<stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org>, ff-leadership 
<ff-leadership at fiware.org>, <aarranz at ficodes.com>, <abenfat at amazon.com>, 
<ajay.yadav at india.nec.com>, <alain.galdemas at eridanis.com>, Alberto 
Abella <alberto.abella at fiware.org>, <alfonso.pietropaolo at eng.it>, 
<avihai1952 at gmail.com>, Beknazar Esenbek <beknazar.esenbek at fiware.org>, 
<benoit.orihuela at egm.io>, <carlos at secmotic.com>, 
<christian.drucks at herne.digital>, <cyrille.sauvignac at atos.net>, David 
Campo <david.campo at fiware.org>, <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>, Dennis 
Wendland <dennis.wendland at fiware.org>, Fernando López Aguilar 
<fernando.lopez at fiware.org>, <flavio.cirillo at neclab.eu>, Francisco 
Melendez <francisco.melendez at fiware.org>, <franck.le-gall at egm.io>, 
<gabriele.deluca at eng.it>, Gernot Boege <gernot.boege at fiware.org>, 
<gr-hovest at atb-bremen.de>, <gtunon at naevatec.com>, 
<ignacio.elicegui at atos.net>, <ilari.mikkonen at profirator.fi>, 
<jaimemartin at eprosima.com>, Jason Fox <jason.fox at fiware.org>, 
<javier.redondo at atos.net>, <jesus.benedicto at atos.net>, Jesus Ruiz 
<jesus.ruiz at fiware.org>, Jose Ignacio Carretero 
<joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>, Juan José Hierro 
<juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>, <jwesterl at redhat.com>, 
<kazuhito at fisuda.jp>, Ken Gunnar Zangelin <ken.zangelin at fiware.org>, 
<laurent.garriga at atos.net>, <manfredigiuseppe.pistone at eng.it>, 
<marc.despland at orange.com>, <marius at teclab.co.za>, 
<martin.bauer at neclab.eu>, <mmirz at eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>, 
<peter.ahlgrimm at cgi.com>, <peter.detzner at iml.fraunhofer.de>, 
<pooja at india.nec.com>, Stefan Wiedemann <stefan.wiedemann at fiware.org>, 
<telefonica.fiware at gmail.com>, Tim Smyth <tim.smyth at fiware.org>, 
<timon at corizon.nl>, <carlos.ralliucendo at telefonica.com>, 
<denis.matic at hs-bochum.de>, <fabian.baeumer at hs-bochum.de>, 
<ilknur.chulani at atos.net>, <laura.pucci at eng.it>, 
<marcos.reyes at telefonica.com>, <mjimenez at fi.upm.es>, 
<naveen.b at india.nec.com>, <pasquale.vitale at eng.it>, 
<piero.corte at eng.it>, <silvio.cretti at create-net.org>, 
<sirish.simha at trigyn.com>

FIWARE Technical Steering Committee Town Hall
Unirme con Google Meet: Dear esteemed members of the FIWARE Technical 
Steering Committee, I'd like to invite you all to a Town Hall to 
introduce the FIWARE Foundation strategy and share ideas and feedback 
for greater collab
Unirme con Google Meet


    Enlace de la reunión

meet.google.com/ika-anrs-ixf <https://meet.google.com/ika-anrs-ixf?hs=224>

    Unirse por teléfono

(DE) +49 40 8081616487 <tel:+49-40-8081616487%3B173525327%23>
PIN: 173525327

Más números de teléfono 

Dear esteemed members of the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee,

I'd like to invite you all to a Town Hall to introduce the FIWARE 
Foundation strategy and share ideas and feedback for greater collaboration.

Thanks a lot in advance for your time and consideration.
With my best regards,



miércoles 15 de may de 2024 ⋅ 1pm – 3pm (Hora de Europa central - Madrid)


Andrea Battaglia <mailto:andrea.battaglia at fiware.org>- organizador
Chandra Challagonda <mailto:chandra.challagonda at fiware.org>
Clara Pezuela <mailto:clara.pezuela at fiware.org>
Stefano De Panfilis <mailto:stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org>
ff-leadership <mailto:ff-leadership at fiware.org>
aarranz at ficodes.com <mailto:aarranz at ficodes.com>
abenfat at amazon.com <mailto:abenfat at amazon.com>
ajay.yadav at india.nec.com <mailto:ajay.yadav at india.nec.com>
alain.galdemas at eridanis.com <mailto:alain.galdemas at eridanis.com>
Alberto Abella <mailto:alberto.abella at fiware.org>
alfonso.pietropaolo at eng.it <mailto:alfonso.pietropaolo at eng.it>
avihai1952 at gmail.com <mailto:avihai1952 at gmail.com>
Beknazar Esenbek <mailto:beknazar.esenbek at fiware.org>
benoit.orihuela at egm.io <mailto:benoit.orihuela at egm.io>
carlos at secmotic.com <mailto:carlos at secmotic.com>
christian.drucks at herne.digital <mailto:christian.drucks at herne.digital>
cyrille.sauvignac at atos.net <mailto:cyrille.sauvignac at atos.net>
David Campo <mailto:david.campo at fiware.org>
davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>
Dennis Wendland <mailto:dennis.wendland at fiware.org>
fdelavega at ficodes.com <mailto:fdelavega at ficodes.com>
Fernando López Aguilar <mailto:fernando.lopez at fiware.org>
flavio.cirillo at neclab.eu <mailto:flavio.cirillo at neclab.eu>
Francisco Melendez <mailto:francisco.melendez at fiware.org>
franck.le-gall at egm.io <mailto:franck.le-gall at egm.io>
gabriele.deluca at eng.it <mailto:gabriele.deluca at eng.it>
Gernot Boege <mailto:gernot.boege at fiware.org>
gr-hovest at atb-bremen.de <mailto:gr-hovest at atb-bremen.de>
gtunon at naevatec.com <mailto:gtunon at naevatec.com>
ignacio.elicegui at atos.net <mailto:ignacio.elicegui at atos.net>
ilari.mikkonen at profirator.fi <mailto:ilari.mikkonen at profirator.fi>
jaimemartin at eprosima.com <mailto:jaimemartin at eprosima.com>
Jason Fox <mailto:jason.fox at fiware.org>
javier.redondo at atos.net <mailto:javier.redondo at atos.net>
jesus.benedicto at atos.net <mailto:jesus.benedicto at atos.net>
Jesus Ruiz <mailto:jesus.ruiz at fiware.org>
Jose Ignacio Carretero <mailto:joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>
Juan José Hierro <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
jwesterl at redhat.com <mailto:jwesterl at redhat.com>
kazuhito at fisuda.jp <mailto:kazuhito at fisuda.jp>
Ken Gunnar Zangelin <mailto:ken.zangelin at fiware.org>
laurent.garriga at atos.net <mailto:laurent.garriga at atos.net>
manfredigiuseppe.pistone at eng.it <mailto:manfredigiuseppe.pistone at eng.it>
marc.despland at orange.com <mailto:marc.despland at orange.com>
marius at teclab.co.za <mailto:marius at teclab.co.za>
martin.bauer at neclab.eu <mailto:martin.bauer at neclab.eu>
mmirz at eonerc.rwth-aachen.de <mailto:mmirz at eonerc.rwth-aachen.de>
peter.ahlgrimm at cgi.com <mailto:peter.ahlgrimm at cgi.com>
peter.detzner at iml.fraunhofer.de <mailto:peter.detzner at iml.fraunhofer.de>
pooja at india.nec.com <mailto:pooja at india.nec.com>
Stefan Wiedemann <mailto:stefan.wiedemann at fiware.org>
telefonica.fiware at gmail.com <mailto:telefonica.fiware at gmail.com>
Tim Smyth <mailto:tim.smyth at fiware.org>
timon at corizon.nl <mailto:timon at corizon.nl>
carlos.ralliucendo at telefonica.com <mailto:carlos.ralliucendo at telefonica.com>
denis.matic at hs-bochum.de <mailto:denis.matic at hs-bochum.de>
fabian.baeumer at hs-bochum.de <mailto:fabian.baeumer at hs-bochum.de>
ilknur.chulani at atos.net <mailto:ilknur.chulani at atos.net>
laura.pucci at eng.it <mailto:laura.pucci at eng.it>
marcos.reyes at telefonica.com <mailto:marcos.reyes at telefonica.com>
mjimenez at fi.upm.es <mailto:mjimenez at fi.upm.es>
naveen.b at india.nec.com <mailto:naveen.b at india.nec.com>
pasquale.vitale at eng.it <mailto:pasquale.vitale at eng.it>
piero.corte at eng.it <mailto:piero.corte at eng.it>
silvio.cretti at create-net.org <mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org>
sirish.simha at trigyn.com <mailto:sirish.simha at trigyn.com>
Ver toda la información de los invitados 
Respondera fdelavega at ficodes.com <mailto:fdelavega at ficodes.com>




Más opciones


Invitación de Google Calendar <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/>

Te hemos enviado este correo porque te has suscrito a las notificaciones 
del calendario. Si quieres dejar de recibir estos correos, ve a la 
configuración de Calendar 
<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/settings>, selecciona este 
calendario y cambia "Otras notificaciones".

Si reenvías esta invitación, los destinatarios podrían enviar una 
respuesta al organizador para que los añada a la lista de invitados, 
invitar a otras personas independientemente del estado de su propia 
invitación, o cambiar tu respuesta de confirmación de asistencia. Más 
información <https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37135#forwarding>

*Francisco de la Vega*
Chief Technical Officer <http://ficodes.com/>
fdelavega at ficodes.com
+34 690 017 304
www.ficodes.com <http://www.ficodes.com/>


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