[Fiware-testbed-help] allocating ip help

Mattia Ryffel mattia.ryffel at disneyresearch.com
Wed Jan 14 14:45:12 CET 2015

Hi Jose,

thanks for the quick reply.
I'm trying to ssh or ping the ip but still does not work:

and i should have all the necessary ports open too
TCP22220.0.0.0/0 (CIDR)Delete RuleTCP80800.0.0.0/0 (CIDR)Delete RuleTCP2121 (CIDR)Delete RuleTCP808080800.0.0.0/0 (CIDR)

$ ssh -vvv -i ~/.ssh/matt.pem root at
OpenSSH_4.6p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 2007
debug1: Reading configuration data /c/Users/mryffel/.ssh/config
debug1: Applying options for
debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Attempt to connect timed
without establishing a connection
ssh: connect to host port 22: Bad file number

any ideas?

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 12:44 PM, JOSE IGNACIO CARRETERO GUARDE <
joseignacio.carreteroguarde at telefonica.com> wrote:

>  Dear Mattia,
> I think you are using cloud.testbed.fi-ware.org --- There are no floating
> ips in this testbed because all IPs are public. So, you don't need a
> floating IP.
> Regards,
> José Ignacio.
> El 14/01/15 a las 12:33, Mattia Ryffel escribió:
> ps: I forgot to mention I'm working for fi-content2 and I'm needing the
> instance to run fiware / fi-content enablers for test and development
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Mattia Ryffel <
> mattia.ryffel at disneyresearch.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I would like to allocate a public ip on my ubuntu instance on Region1
>> but it does not work:
>>  *Error: *undefined. Cause: unknow
>>  with both upm and nova pools (but it says 10 avaiblable)
>>  my account name information is:
>> mattia
>> mattia.ryffel at disneyresearch.com
>>  Best regards,
>>  Mattia
>>  --
>>   Mattia Ryffel
>> Software Engineer
>> +41 44 632 5298
>> Disney Research Zurich
>> Stampfenbachstrasse 48
>> CH-8006 Zurich
>> http://www.disneyresearch.com/
>  --
>   Mattia Ryffel
> Software Engineer
> +41 44 632 5298
> Disney Research Zurich
> Stampfenbachstrasse 48
> CH-8006 Zurich
> http://www.disneyresearch.com/
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Mattia Ryffel
Software Engineer
+41 44 632 5298

Disney Research Zurich
Stampfenbachstrasse 48
CH-8006 Zurich
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