[Fiware-tmforum] Slides for the conf call

Javier Soriano jsoriano at fi.upm.es
Tue Jul 28 17:49:35 CEST 2015

2015-07-28 15:57 GMT+02:00 Pierre Gauthier <pgauthier at tmforum.org>:

>  Hi Javier,
Hi Pierre,

>  Very good calls last week.
Yes, very fruitful calls. Thank you very much for the opportunity and for
your time.

>  Please send me the CKAN information

You can find that information in the "FIWARE DataMarket" section of the
following document we already shared with you:

There you can find an overview of the DataMarket and an explanation on the
method we have followed to integrate CKAN and the WStore / IdM. See the
"FIWARE DataMarket" section.

Here you can also find some videos that show the results:

   - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6W0VNP1zzh4NjJnQTdrTVR0QW8: In this
   video you will see how you can create in the WStore an offering from a
   dataset already published in CKAN. Automatically, without the need to use
   the GUI provided by the Store to create new offerings.
   - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6W0VNP1zzh4TGItNTNpa2dHS3c: This
   video shows the process followed by an user acquire that dataset. It also
   shows how you can access the resources in an offering from Wirecloud (you
   can skip this part).

> and the dates where you will be available for
> a follow-up.
We will be available from the 25th of August.

Could you please send us the slides you used during the first call?

Apart from this, we have had a look at the open specs of your APIs in
GitHub, but we do not have access to the Atlassian wiki pages you sent us,
even though we are using our credentials for www.tmforum.org. Can you help
us with this?

Thank you very much!


>  Thanks
> Pierre Gauthier
> Chief API Architect
> TM Forum
> t +1 (819) 743-9342
> e pgauthier at tmforum.org
> w www.tmforum.org
>  On Jul 24, 2015, at 7:52 AM, Javier Soriano <jsoriano at fi.upm.es> wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  Please find below the link to the slides we have prepared for todays
> conf call.
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Pu7jxMXQCUM_lA2mMUpqvlrICrf66fz_4G3N4JmlKOE/edit#slide=id.p
>  Pierre, could you please send us the slides you used yesterday?
>  Best,
> Javier
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