[Fiware-tmforum] Lannion node down

no-reply at account.lab.fiware.org no-reply at account.lab.fiware.org
Thu Mar 23 12:19:35 CET 2017

	<p><span style="display: block;">Dear FIWARE Lab user,</span></p><p><span style="display: block;"></span><br>We are experiencing troubles in Lannion, indeed our fiber line has been cut due to works in our city.<span style="display: block;"><br></span></p><p>We are very sorry for these inconveniences, the connexion should be up again during the day, probably at the end of the afternoon,</p><p><br></p><p>Best regards,<br></p><p>Lannion's team<br><span style="display: block;"><br></span><br></p>

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