[Fiware-training] Webinar details for FI-WARE Tools "FusionForge connector - CDE Management - Catalogue"

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Wed Dec 5 09:46:27 CET 2012

Dear attendees,
     this is to remind you the Tools Chapter webinar "FusionForge 
connector - CDE Management - Catalogue",
this morning at 11:00 CET.

You can find the information on how to connect, reported on the shared 
and also at the end of this mail.

Best Regards,
Davide Dalle Carbonare

1) open the link: http://webinars.eng.it
2) select "FIWARE" from drop-down list
3) set your name
4) use password "fiware"

audio bridge from the webinar platform:
once you're in, click the headphones icon (top left corner) and mute 
your microphone.

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