[Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?

Sofia Tsekeridou sots at ait.gr
Tue May 15 16:55:04 CEST 2012

Dear all,

Indeed CamStudio is a solution (but does not record the video of the presenter, only audio). Another solution may be the Camtasia free trial version (30 days) that may be installed/used at the speaker's laptop (equipped with microphone and webcam) to record the video of the talk and sync it with the powerpoint presentation - simply before starting the talk he/she needs to press the embedded in powerpoint record button. 

The URL is: http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html  

With warm regards,

Dr. Sofia Tsekeridou
Assistant Professor
Head of Multimedia, Knowledge and Web Technologies Research Area
Athens Information Technology - AIT
0.8 km Markopoulou Ave.
19002 Peania, Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +302106682804, Fax: +302106682703
E-mail: sots at ait.gr
           sofia at ieee.org
Web: http://www.ait.gr/ait_web_site/faculty/sots/tsekeridou.html

From: fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] on behalf of fano.ramparany at orange.com [fano.ramparany at orange.com]
Sent: 15 May 2012 16:59
To: Denis.Havlik at ait.ac.at; Susanna.Avessta at Tivit.fi; tmb at nginet.de; michael.stollberg at sap.com; jose.lorenzo at atosresearch.eu
Cc: rene.fleischhauer at sap.com; fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: Re: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast     with /without recording ?


I'll come with my laptop and a basic quickcam webcam with a built-in microphone. I've done a quick testing:
- The sound is rather poor, so I'll have to sit close to the speaker
- I still have to ensure that I can record on a longer period (more than one hour)
- a tool for playing the slide diaporama and synchronizing the diaporama with the video is necessary, because the slide will hardly be readable from the webcam image.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de Havlik Denis
Envoyé : mardi 15 mai 2012 15:17
À : Susanna Avessta; Thomas Michael Bohnert; Stollberg, Michael; Jose Lorenzo Mon
Cc : 'fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu'; Fleischhauer, Rene
Objet : Re: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?

Can't really help here, sorry. If needed Peter Kutschera could maybe take some camera with him but you need to tell us exactly what you need.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Susanna Avessta [mailto:Susanna.Avessta at Tivit.fi]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012 14:10
An: Havlik Denis; Thomas Michael Bohnert; Stollberg, Michael; Jose Lorenzo Mon
Cc: Fleischhauer, Rene; 'fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Betreff: RE: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?

Well, I was talking first about Zurich next week...

-----Original Message-----
From: Havlik Denis [mailto:Denis.Havlik at ait.ac.at]
Sent: 15 May 2012 14:05
To: Susanna Avessta; Thomas Michael Bohnert; Stollberg, Michael; Jose Lorenzo Mon
Cc: Fleischhauer, Rene; 'fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Subject: AW: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?

For the second session: ask the folks from Atos and Telefonica, they are at home in Madrid and big enough to have everything we need.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] Im Auftrag von Susanna Avessta
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012 14:02
An: Thomas Michael Bohnert; Stollberg, Michael
Cc: Fleischhauer, Rene; 'fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Betreff: Re: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?

Dear all,
Just a iPad or similar would do, we need five volunteers to provide such an equipment, we will collect, polish, store, and distribute then to all through portal.
So, Arne, Fano, Michael, Denis H, Carlos? Ok?

-----Original Message-----
From: fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Thomas Michael Bohnert
Sent: 15 May 2012 13:52
To: Stollberg, Michael
Cc: 'fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu'; Fleischhauer, Rene
Subject: Re: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?

Hello Everyone,

Recordings is a fine thing but I wonder how to implement them. We got several parallel sessions so we need the right equipment.

We, as a host, can provide Internet connection but we don't have the tools for recording.

@Arne: You were mentioning that this is easily possible for you. Could you (or someone else) provide the recording equipment? Please get back to me asap such that we can arrange the necessary necessities.

Cheers, Thomas

On 05/15/2012 09:54 AM, Stollberg, Michael wrote:
> Dear all,
>  From our perspective, recordings would not only be nice-to-have but necessary in order to allow everyone who is obliged to work with FIWARE results to get the information. Within FInest, these are more than 15 people, who of course can not all come to the education events.
> Another expectation from our side is that these events should result in forming 'FIWARE User Groups', ie working groups consisting of the leads of a FIWARE chapter and the people from the UC-projects who plan to take up these respective GEs. In these groups, the UC-requirements and GE-capabilities can be mutually discussed and refined, which IMHO is the only way to establish a fruitful collaboration among the projects.
> Best
> Michael
> Von: Havlik Denis [mailto:Denis.Havlik at ait.ac.at]
> Gesendet: Monday, May 14, 2012 05:57 PM
> An: Arne Berre<Arne.J.Berre at sintef.no>; Alex
> Glikson<GLIKSON at il.ibm.com>; CARLOS RALLI UCENDO<ralli at tid.es>; Juanjo
> Hierro<jhierro at tid.es>; Stollberg, Michael
> Cc: fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>
> Betreff: AW: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?
> Webcast + recording would be extremely useful for me.
> Regards
> Denis
> Von: fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu
> [mailto:fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] Im Auftrag von Arne
> Berre
> Gesendet: Montag, 14. Mai 2012 13:02
> An: Alex Glikson; CARLOS RALLI UCENDO; Juanjo Hierro; Stollberg,
> Michael
> Cc: fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu
> Betreff: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' - Web cast with /without recording ?
> Hi all,
> Have there been any further discussion on this ?  A good combination of this - for the purpose of further interaction also - is to combine the physical meeting with a webcast (with or without recording) for those who are not able to be physically present.  This should be easily technically achievable, and should also not prevent the interactions with those that are able to physically present - so it should be much to gain  and little to lose by offering this !?
> Best regards,
> Arne
> From:
> fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training-bounce
> s at lists.fi-ware.eu>
> [mailto:fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu]<mailto:[mailto:fiwar
> e-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu]>  On Behalf Of Stollberg, Michael
> Sent: 30. april 2012 17:02
> To: Alex Glikson; CARLOS RALLI UCENDO; Juanjo Hierro
> Cc:
> fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.
> eu>
> Subject: Re: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' Event
> proposal
> Dear Alex, all,
> I share your concerns. To my understanding, these events will not solve the necessary interaction between FIWARE and the UC-project once and for all, but can hopefully serve as the starting point for forming 'interaction groups' of FIWARE GE-owners (as the providers) and UC-people (as the clients), so that a way for several fruitful provider-client interactions can be set up as a follow-up action.
> Best
> Michael
> From:
> fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training-bounce
> s at lists.fi-ware.eu>
> [mailto:fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu]<mailto:[mailto:fiwar
> e-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu]>  On Behalf Of Alex Glikson
> Sent: Sonntag, 29. April 2012 11:43
> To: CARLOS RALLI UCENDO; Juanjo Hierro
> Cc:
> fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.
> eu>
> Subject: Re: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' Event
> proposal
> Dear Carlos, Juanjo, all,
> Three weeks before the target date, we don't have a well-defined agenda, so I can't tell people how to plan their trip -- if at all.
>  From the Cloud perspective, 1-2 hours would probably be enough to give a high-level overview of Cloud GEs -- to a "general" audience, not particularly interested in details (and not 2-3 days as outlined in the agenda now). Plus we would want to attend couple of slots dedicated to UC presentations. There is no point in traveling to Zurich to participate few hours of meetings, which could have been conducted via phone equally well. So, unless we have a well-defined agenda for the rest of the time, with committed attendance of relevant people from FI-WARE chapters and UC projects (taking into consideration concurrency between sessions, attendance constraints, etc), the risk of not having productive interlocks is too high. With such a high level of risk, I wonder whether it is worth spending time and travel expenses.
> Maybe we can schedule high-level overview presentations of each chapter and each UC project over phone (a "virtual" F2F), and postpone the "physical" F2F interlocks until the exact goal&  methodology are clear.
> Regards,
> Alex
> From:        CARLOS RALLI UCENDO<ralli at tid.es<mailto:ralli at tid.es>>
> To:        Alex Glikson/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL,
> Cc:        "fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>"<fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
> Date:        24/04/2012 11:59 PM
> Subject:        Re: [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' Event        proposal
> ________________________________
> Alex,
> In the excel sheet we shared with all UC projects they rated their interest on specific GEs for all FI-WARE chapters. What we can and we should guarantee then is avoiding overlap of sessions describing GEs with the highest scores.
> Additionally, two separate editions in different weeks enable UC projects to attend more parallel sessions too.
> I would generally agree with your request of more discussions rather than plain overviews (in both directions) too although, IMHO, I would be happy if we close the significant knowledge/understanding gap on the other party's architecture. Later on, bileteral discussions and/or joint discussions over e-mail would be indeed easier.
> However, We'll double check other possibilities and we are indeed open to consider all feasible suggestions on organization improving efficiency and potential results.
> Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
> Best regards.
> El 24/04/2012, a las 21:20, "Alex Glikson"<GLIKSON at il.ibm.com<mailto:GLIKSON at il.ibm.com>>  escribió:
> Dear all,
> I am somewhat concerned that the sessions might end up being less efficient than expected -- due to concurrency between the different chapter tracks, and limited availability of representatives from the various UC projects.
> For example, the sessions on Cloud, Data, IoT and Security are currently planned to happen in parallel (at least partially).
> Can we guarantee that all the UC projects interested in these chapters will send enough representatives in order to cover 4 parallel tracks?
> For Cloud (which I lead), besides just giving a general overview of our GEs, I would like to make sure that we have enough time for discussion with all the interested UC projects on each of the GEs, focusing on the way each of the UC projects envisions to use those GEs. Maybe even dedicate short sessions (e.g., 1 hour long) to each of the individual (relevant) UC projects. But how can I decide on the order, to make sure the relevant UC people can attend, and do not have conflicts with other sessions happening in parallel?
> Perhaps, it would be a good idea to use the data about expected attendance and interest in the various GEs to do a more fine-grained scheduling of sessions. Is this indeed the plan?
> Regards,
> Alex
> ======================================================================
> ==============================
> Alex Glikson
> Manager, Cloud Operating System Technologies, IBM Haifa Research Lab
> http://w3.haifa.ibm.com/dept/stt/cloud_sys.html |
> https://www.research.ibm.com/haifa/dept/stt/cloud_sys.shtml
> Email: glikson at il.ibm.com<mailto:glikson at il.ibm.com>  | Phone:
> +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: +972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112
> From:        CARLOS RALLI UCENDO<ralli at tid.es<mailto:ralli at tid.es>>
> To:        "fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>"<fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>>,
> Date:        24/04/2012 06:56 PM
> Subject:        [Fiware-training] 'FI-PPP Software Architects Week' Event proposal
> Sent by:        fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>
> ________________________________
> Dear colleagues,
> Find enclosed a proposal for the above mentioned event based on all FI-PPP Use-case projects plus FI-WARE team inputs.
> The same event will be repeated in two different weeks or editions: May 21st-24th&  June 4th-7th.
> The event actually comprises two threads: 'FI-WARE Architecture Educational Sessions' and 'Use-case projects Selected Scenarios'.
> The first edition (May 21st- 24th) will be kindly hosted by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW, http://www.zhaw.ch/en/zurich-university-of-applied-sciences.html).
> - The host is providing 3 rooms with 30 people capacity and 1 room for 45 people.
> - We are currently negotiating with the host a reduced attendance-fee (less than 200 euro) covering 7 Coffee-breaks service, 3 (Tue+Wed+Thu) lunches and Wifi access.
> Tentative agendas for both weekly events are available at:
>    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArcymbqnpOfkdGJqeEFlblNEUkdxdkl2NW1sM0FWUUE#gid=0
>    (The excel file is also attached to this mail for your convenience).
> The agenda shows FI-WARE chapters to be presented and, at the end of each day, there are 1.5/2h slots available for use-case projects presentations to the FI-WARE team.
> Requested feedback at this point:
> 1) All attendees are expected to add an entry to the following registration form:
>    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArcymbqnpOfkdGJqeEFlblNEUkdxdkl2NW1sM0FWUUE#gid=2
>     (Sheet 'Attendees_1st Week' in the same excel file).
>    Deadline for registration is end of next week (May 4th).
> 2) Each UC project available in the first week edition is expected to send an e-mail back to me with their availability for the Scenarios presentation slot.
>   For instance, "use-case project XX is able to make its presentation at slot UC1 or UC2 etc.".
>   I believe Envirofi, Finseny, Instant Mobility, Outsmart and SmartAgriFood UC projects will be available for both the first and second weeks edition.
>   On the other hand, Ficontent, Finest and Safecity projects will only be available in the second edition, AFAIK.
>   Deadline for each UC project to communicate this is end of the present week (April 27th).
> The second edition (June 4th - 7th) will be most probably held in Madrid (TBC). Further details are still to be confirmed and will be posted here during the present week.
> Thanks for your participation.
> Best regards,
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------
> Carlos Ralli Ucendo (ralli at tid.es<mailto:ralli at tid.es>)
> Cell: +34696923588
> Twitter: @carlosralli
> Product Development&  Innovation
> Telefónica I+D SAU
> Madrid, Spain
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------
> Follow FI-WARE project (Future Internet Services Core Platform):
> Website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu<http://www.fi-ware.eu/>
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
> Twitter: @fiware
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------
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