Great!! Thanks so much! I've add it to the google doc - see it here: all best, Malena From: laura pucci [mailto:laura.pucci at] Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 5:21 PM To: Donato Cohen, Malena; fiware-travelreport at; MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO Cc: Davide Dalle Carbonare; Stefano De Panfilis Subject: Re: [Fiware-travelreport] Additional travels for E-IIS Dear Miguel, all here you are, please find it attached; I put as much details as I could. Should you have question, please contact me. With regards Laura ----- Original Message ----- From: MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at> To: laura pucci<mailto:laura.pucci at> ; Donato Cohen, Malena<mailto:malena.donato at> ; fiware-travelreport at<mailto:fiware-travelreport at> Cc: Davide Dalle Carbonare<mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at> ; Stefano De Panfilis<mailto:stefano.depanfilis at> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:36 PM Subject: Re: [Fiware-travelreport] Additional travels for E-IIS Hi Laura, Brilliant, thanks. Please fill in the template as requested in the corresponding messages and resend with that. Regards, Miguel El 17/12/2015 a las 16:31, laura pucci escribió: Dear Malena, all, good afternoon, Please kindly update the travel report with the follwing info about ENG travels during the 1st FI-Core RP: * The IMPACT Hackathon, held in Florence (Italy) on 10-11th of April 2015, where E-IIS presented FIWARE Lab and gave support to participants - (Pasquale Vitale) * The Future Internet In Horizon 2020 was attended, 18 march 2015 in Rome (Italy) - (Alfonso Pietropaolo) * Attendance to the FIWARE Developers Week, held during the week of 23rd-26th of March 2015 in Brussels (Belgium) - (Antonio Filograna) * Attendance representing FIWARE at the I3H bootcamp for new members, on 20th-23rd january 2015 in Paris (France) - (Stefano De Panfilis) * Attendance at the 4YFN Conference, on 02nd-04th March 2015 in Barcelona (Spain) - (Stefano De Panfilis) * FI-PPP Advisory Board, the 22nd -24th of April 2015 in Venice (Italy) - (Stefano De Panfilis) * Presentation during the FIWARE Developers Week, held from 25th to 28th May 2015 in Vienna (Austria) - (Stefano De Panfilis) * The FIWARE Core industry group meeting, attended on June the 18th 2015 in Madrid (Spain) - (Stefano De Panfilis) * The FIWARE core industry group meeting, held and attended by E-IIS in Rome (Italy) on 29th of September 2015 (Stefano De Panfilis, Lanfranco Marasso) * Presenttion as FABulpus coachers at Librecon event on 11-12 November 2014, in Bilbao - (Pasquale Vitale) Mreover, could you please kindly check and update the xls sheet so that the following reports are properly reported? * there were four persons attending from ENG the FIWARE Business Challenge in Bologna, 15-16 September 2015 - (Davide Dalle Carbonare, Stefano De Panflis, Pasquale Vitale, Lanfranco Marasso) * the FINODEX Networking session was in June, and precisely: Trento, 22-23 June 2015, three representatives from ENG (Davide Dalle Carbonare, Stefano De Panflis, Pasquale Vitale) * It seems to be missing the meet up FIWARE/FINODEX in Trento - 10 November 2015 * the ICT 2015 in Lisboa was attended also By Davide Dalle CArbonare and Stefano De Panfilis: we not only presented SpagoBI during the FRACTALS challenge (that is already mentioned in the list), but also gave support to the FIWARE booth. I see that there are already travles reported concenring October, I do not have the complete list yest for October and November, but I guess there is no so much hurry since those two months are out of the scope ofthe current Periodic Report, right? Kind regards Laura Laura Pucci Research and Innovation Directorate laura.pucci at<mailto:laura.pucci at> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa Mob. +39-345.6225393 Fax +39-081.8626819 Skype<> ----- Original Message ----- From: Donato Cohen, Malena<mailto:malena.donato at> To: Davide Dalle Carbonare<mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at> Cc: Laura Pucci<mailto:laura.pucci at> ; Stefano De Panfilis<mailto:stefano.depanfilis at> Sent: Friday, November 27, 2015 7:57 AM Subject: RE: [Fiware-travelreport] Additional travels for E-IIS Great and thanks so much Davide, all updated now in the template! From: Davide Dalle Carbonare [mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at] Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 10:23 AM To: Donato Cohen, Malena Cc: Davide Dalle Carbonare; Laura Pucci; Stefano De Panfilis Subject: Re: [Fiware-travelreport] Additional travels for E-IIS Hi Malena, I added an event, the Meet Up and I found an error on the date of the oldest Info Day here below the updated list Ciao Davide * FIWARE/FINODEX Meet Up - Trento - 10 November 2015 * FIWARE Business Challenge - Bologna, 14-16 September 2015 - * FINODEX Networking session, where also direct support was given to participants of the Open Calls on FIWARE technical aspects - Trento, 22-23 June 2015 - * FINODEX Info Day, where E-IIS represented FIWARE Catalogue and FIWARE Academy - Trento, 12 May 2015 * FINODEX/CREATI-FI Info Day, where E-IIS represented FIWARE Catalogue and FIWARE Academy - Trento, 6 November 2014 2015-11-25 10:05 GMT+01:00 Donato Cohen, Malena <malena.donato at<mailto:malena.donato at>>: Hi again Find it updated. Can you tell me the exact dates of each event please? thanks! From: fiware-travelreport-bounces at<mailto:fiware-travelreport-bounces at> [mailto:fiware-travelreport-bounces at<mailto:fiware-travelreport-bounces at>] On Behalf Of Davide Dalle Carbonare Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 4:45 PM To: fiware-travelreport at<mailto:fiware-travelreport at> Cc: Laura Pucci; Stefano De Panfilis Subject: [Fiware-travelreport] Additional travels for E-IIS Dear Malena, all, here are some additional travels to add to the shared document. * FIWARE Business Challenge - Bologna, September 2015 - * FINODEX Networking session, where also direct support was given to participants of the Open Calls on FIWARE technical aspects - Trento, June 2015 - * FINODEX Info Day, where E-IIS represented FIWARE Catalogue and FIWARE Academy - Trento, May 2015 * FINODEX/CREATI-FI Info Day, where E-IIS represented FIWARE Catalogue and FIWARE Academy - Trento, December 2015 BR Davide -- Davide Dalle Carbonare Senior Researcher - Big Data & Future Internet Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. -<> Mob: +39-346-3207983<tel:%2B39-346-3207983> @davdalle<> | linkedin<> |<> This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. 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