[Fiware-travelreport] [Fiware] Update FIWARE's dissemination travel log

Silvio Cretti silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Fri Nov 27 08:21:13 CET 2015

Hi Malena,
yes 4 travels as far as dissemination is concerned. Do I have to list also
other travels (review meeting, technical meetings etc.)?

On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 7:57 AM, Donato Cohen, Malena <
malena.donato at atos.net> wrote:

> Thanks so much Silvio, all updated and Ok.
> BTW, you only have these 4 travels? Check if I’m missing something please
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TzelO2mfdfWsuXSLjsPBw1qs0r2RWOHjIUubmZyjqK0/edit?ts=56430da4#gid=0
> Best,
> Malena
> *From:* Silvio Cretti [mailto:silvio.cretti at create-net.org]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 25, 2015 1:12 PM
> *To:* Donato Cohen, Malena; fiware-travelreport at lists.fi-ware.org
> *Cc:* Federico Michele Facca
> *Subject:* Re: [Fiware] Update FIWARE's dissemination travel log
> Ciao Malena, all
> here attached the list of  travels for dissemination made by Create-Net.
> Best regards,
>   silvio
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Donato Cohen, Malena <
> malena.donato at atos.net> wrote:
> Dear all,
> In order to maintain the travel log we need your inputs, please tell us if
> you have *active represented FIWARE* in any events in the past months.
> As usual, please fill out the excel attached and drop an email to:
> fiware-travelreport at lists.fi-ware.org
> Here’s the updated sheet (read only, you do not need to update it) :
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TzelO2mfdfWsuXSLjsPBw1qs0r2RWOHjIUubmZyjqK0/edit?ts=56430da4>
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TzelO2mfdfWsuXSLjsPBw1qs0r2RWOHjIUubmZyjqK0/edit?ts=56430da4#gid=0
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TzelO2mfdfWsuXSLjsPBw1qs0r2RWOHjIUubmZyjqK0/edit?ts=56430da4>
> Please, remember that this info has to be coherent with the dissemination
> report and that travels not reported here will not be considered as valid
> when you are reporting travels.  So, this report should be exhaustive and
> precise.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Malena
> *Malena Donato*
> Project Manager
> Research & Innovation
> Atos
> Albarracín, 25
> 280037 - Madrid
> Spain
> T. +34 91 214 8166
> Skype: maledonato
> malena.donato at atos.net
> www.atosresearch.eu
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